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My coming had been promised by Avec; so he knew that somehow I was a part of the Prophecy the prophecy which, for reasons of his own, he did not want fulfilled. "So he isolated me here in the house of the Jarados. A bold sort of humor, I call it to defy the Prophecy in the very spot where it was written! "But it was fortunate.

I am a spiritist; and if spiritism is truth, then the Jarados was genuine, and his prophecy is true. After all, my lord, it is not a case of legend, but of history. The Jarados came at a time of high civilisation, when men would see and understand him; he gave us his teaching in records, and imposed his laws upon the Thomahlia. Then he departed through the Spot of Life."

He wondered, rapidly, how he could link up such a creature with his description of the Jarados. What could be the purpose of a canine in occult philosophy? Or, was the whole thing, after all, mere blundering chance? This is what bothered Chick. He did not know how to adjust himself; life, place, sequence, were all out of order.

Around her waist a girdle of satin revealed the tender frailty of her figure. She gave Watson a close scrutiny, and then addressed the Geos: "I want to put one question, Rhamda. The stranger seems to be a goodly young man. He has come from the Jarados. Tell me, is he truly of the chosen?" But a clear, derisive laugh from the opposite throne interrupted the answer.

The Four- Footed One sacred to the Jarados it was she who had been touched! Had the Senestro undone all on the Spot of Judgment, What would be the end? Fenton acted. He caught the Senestro before he could get his balance and with a mighty heave hurled him over the side of the stair. A second, and it was over. Another second was the last. For the great Leaf of the Jarados had opened.

"That is the Jarados as I have seen him; a short, elderly, wise, BEARDED man." There was not a breath or a murmur in comment. All hung upon his words; there was not a sound in the room as he ceased speaking, only the throb of his own heart and the subtle pounding of caution in his veins. He had spoken. If only there might be a resemblance! The Geos stepped forward a pace. "It is well said.

The rest of us fight as we are." They were cloaks, made of a soft, light, malleable glass, or something like it. Watson asked what they were for. "For a purpose known only to the Jarados, my lord. There are only two of these robes. With them he left directions which indicated plainly they are for your lordship and the Aradna."

"Today I feel that there is some great fate, some unknown force that defies analysis, defies all attempts at resolution a force that is driving me through the role of the Jarados. We are all a part of the Prophecy! "We must wait for the last day for our answer. That Prophecy must and will be fulfilled. And on that day we shall have the key to the Blind Spot we shall know the where of the occult."