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Then, O monarch, that best of Brahmanas, the mighty son of Jamadagni, filled with wrath, suddenly wheeling to my right, pierced me in the breast. At this, O best of the Bharatas, I swooned on my best of cars. And beholding me, reft of consciousness, my charioteer quickly bore me away from the field.

I, therefore, request thee to narrate to me how the members of the military caste were vanquished by Rama on the field of battle, and what the original cause of those conflicts was. "Akritavrana said, 'With pleasure shall I recite to thee that excellent story, O Bharata's son, O chief of kings, the story of the godlike deeds of Rama, the son of Jamadagni, who traced his origin to Bhrigu's race.

Beholding Drona stationed on the field for the extermination of the Kshatriya race, the Rishis Viswamitra, and Jamadagni, and Bharadwaja, and Gautama, and Vasishtha, and Kasyapa, and Atri, and the Srikatas, the Prisnis, Garga, the Valkhilyas, the Marichis, the descendants of Bhrigu and Angiras, and diverse other sages of subtle forms quickly came thither, with the Bearer of sacrificial libations at their head, and, desirous of taking Drona unto the region of Brahman, addressed Drona, that ornament of battle, and said, "Thou art fighting unrighteously.

And, O Yudhishthira, the sons of Kartavirya shot Jamadagni, with their arrows, and having thus chastised their foe, went their way. And when they had gone away, and when Jamadagni had breathed his last, Rama, the delight of Bhrigu's race, returned to the hermitage, bearing in his arms, fuel for religious rites. And the hero beheld his father who had been put to death.

Listen once more to it. A virtuous Brahmana had recited it in the presence of my father. Hearing these delightful words fraught with the reasons and purposes of acts, do, O Shalya, what thou mayst settle, without entertaining any scruples. In the race of the Bhrigus was Jamadagni of severe ascetic penances.

""Surya said, 'O regenerate Rishi, without doubt, thou knowest me, O best of archers! But, O holy one, though I have offended, behold, I am a suppliant for thy protection!" "'Bhishma continued, "At this, the adorable Jamadagni smilingly addressed the maker of day, saying, 'O Surya, when thou hast sought my protection, thou hast nothing to fear!

Let him draw his sustenance from his father-in-law! ""Sukra said, 'Let him who has stolen thy stalks eat the flesh of animals not slain in sacrifices! Let him have sexual congress at day-time! Let him be a servant of the king! ""Jamadagni said, 'Let him who has stolen thy stalks study the Vedas on forbidden days or occasions! Let him feed friends at Sraddhas performed by him!

Hence I see both him and his dog so well-developed. ""Jamadagni said, 'This man has not to think of storing his annual grain and fuel as we are compelled to do. Hence I see both him and his dog so well-developed! ""Kasyapa said, 'This man has not, like us, four brothers of the whole blood who are begging from house to house, uttering the words, "Give Give!"

And he was skilful in all weapons, and became the slayer of the Kshatriyas. And he had his passions under complete control. And Aurva had a hundred sons with Jamadagni the eldest. And these hundred sons had offspring by thousands spread over this earth. "And Brahman had two other sons, viz., Dhatri and Vidhatri who stayed with Manu.

That mighty car-warrior who on a single car had vanquished in terrific combat at the city of Kasi all the kings of the Earth mustered together, he who had fearlessly fought in battle with Rama, the son of Jamadagni, he whom Jamadagni's son could not slay, oh, even hath he been to-day slain by Sikhandin.