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They are also liable to disorders that require prompt and careful attention, such as inflammations, excoriations, itchings and swellings of the genital organs with discharges from these parts resembling leucorrhoea. All such conditions lead them to more or less rub and scratch these parts which should never be touched for relief.

In this magazine of toys for such it virtually was at first he satisfied his itchings to play with tools and machines. He was no sportsman; but if he saw in a shop window the most trumpery patent improvement in a breechloader, he would go in and buy it; and as to a new repeating rifle or liquefied gas gun, he would travel to St. Petersburg to see it.

The Archbishop of Tours had willingly given him to his confrere for his journey to that town, because it was usual for archbishops to make each other presents, they well knowing how sharp are the itchings of theological palms. Thus this young priest came to the Council and was lodged in the establishment of his prelate, a man of good morals and great science.

He it was who was going to be celebrated in the fiesta of Provençal literature, in which he always played the principal role; he was the prize bard, lecturer, or simple idol to whom other poets were dedicating their eulogies clerics given to rhyming, personifiers of religious images, silk-weavers who felt the vulgarity of their existence perturbed by the itchings of inspiration all the brotherhood of popular bards of the ingenuous and domestic brand who recalled the Meistersingers of the old German cities.

See that immediate medical attention is given inflammations, excoriations, itchings and swellings of her genital organs. Such conditions will lead her to rub and scratch these parts never to be touched for relief. If, as a result of the sensations experienced, masturbation results, yours is the sin. Adolescence is the period when the boy is lost in the man.

It is described as commencing with itchings and formications in the feet, severe pain in the back, contractions in the muscles, nausea, giddiness, apathy, with abortion in pregnant women, in suckling women drying of milk, and in maidens with amenorrhea.

Now, since the beginnings of adulterous love are only the stimulant fires and itchings of the flesh, it is evident, that these things in the spirit are filthy allurements, which, as they ascend and descend, and reciprocate, so they excite and inflame.

The Archbishop of Tours had willingly given him to his confrere for his journey to that town, because it was usual for archbishops to make each other presents, they well knowing how sharp are the itchings of theological palms. Thus this young priest came to the Council and was lodged in the establishment of his prelate, a man of good morals and great science.

What a devoted patriot this Sandford in Belgium is; he has continual itchings in his hand to pay a higher price for bad blankets that they may not fall into the hands of secesh agents; so with cloth, so perhaps with arms. Oh, disinterested patriot! Austria and Prussia whipped in by England and France, and at the same time glad to have an occasion to take the airs of maritime powers.

He became very heavy, puffed like a whale after his meals, tried to make himself thin, ate less, and began to grow weak. Pécuchet, in like manner, felt himself "undermined," had itchings in his skin and lumps in his throat. "This won't do," said they; "this won't do." Bouvard thought of going to select at the inn some bottles of Spanish wine in order to put his bodily machinery in order.