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I've had an itchin' in my heart for you ever since I first knowed you. You come from Kentucky well, I was kinder borned up that way myself in Boone County, an' that sorter makes well, if it did, what I want to know is " Slim hesitated, and nervously hauled at his chaps. "Will you be my " Frightened at his boldness, he clapped his hand over his mouth. "Can I be your " he began again.

We fed up at the town. The boys gets kind of restless " "Boys? Ain't you alone?" "Hell, no!" replied Williams disgustedly. "I wish I was! I got four pigeon-toed, bow-legged, bat-eared Moonstoners down in that meadow, just itchin' mad to cut loose. And they ain't sayin' a word, which is suspicious. Worryin' across the old dry spot the last three days has kind of het 'em up.

Then there's pasture ropes, an' nose-bags, an' a harness punch, an' all such things. An' Hazel an' Hattie eatin' their heads off all the time we're waitin'. An' I 'm just itchin' to be started myself." He stopped abruptly and confusedly. "Now, Billy, what have you got up your sleeve? I can see it in your eyes," Saxon demanded and indicted in mixed metaphors. "Well, Saxon, you see, it's like this.

Will we iver reach Bloomfield? It's itchin' Oi am to put me hands on Frankie Merriwell." "Eet ees so glad I shall also be to see Señor Merriwell," laughed Teresa. "Hey?" cried Gallup, giving her a look of mock reproof. "Naow yeou be keerful, young woman! I ain't fergut that you was kinder smashed on him once." At this his wife laughingly protested her innocence.

Last Sabbath I am told their soprano sang 'Lead, kindly Light, and it was well received." "Wha receivit it?" thundered Archie. "Tell me that, sir. Wha receivit it? Was it Almichty God, or was it the itchin' lugs o' deein' men, aye hearkenin' to thae skirlin' birkies wi' their men-made hymes?" "Mr.

"I think our dog robber's been snitchin' a few." O'Malley yawned and stretched his arms over his head. They were long bony arms with huge hands attached to them. "Weren't you in Berlin before the war?" Stan asked. "Sure," O'Malley answered. "Bein' a son of good auld Ireland, I was itchin' to get into a fight an' it looked like the Jerries were the only ones preparin' to do anything."

"Well, I hear you are to be Lord 'Awkins of 'Itchin, 'Erts." "Be if I will!" said I; "Brampton's the only landed estate I have inherited, and although the old ladies who are life-tenants kept me out of it as long as they could, I shall take my title from it as the only thing I am likely to get out of it." "Bravo!" said he. "I don't like 'Awkins of 'Itchin, 'Erts.

"You can go back to London now, Henry!" he said to his son one morning, after breakfast. "I know you're just itchin' to get back there, an' I'm sure I'm sick, sore an' tired of the sight of you. Away off with you, now!" And Henry, protesting that he did not wish to go, had gone to London.

Well, the warmth of the eggs felt good to the poor critter's naked belly, and kinder kept the itchin of the nettles down, and he was glad to bide where he was, and whenever he was tired and got off his skin felt so cold, he'd run right back and squat down agin, and when his feathers began to grow, and he got obstropolous, he got another ticklin with the nettles, that made him return double quick to his location.

The next moment the man at the verandah was caught up in the full blast of the foreman's half-savage and wholly hectoring protest. "What blazin' racket are you raisin' ther'?" he roared, charging up the hill with heavy, hurried strides. "This ain't Skitter Reach, you dog-gone coyote, nor that ain't your pap's shanty. What's itchin' you, blast you?" Archie swung round at the first shout.