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However, amidst all the prisoner's efforts to elude a systematic examination, Raoul had recognized his natural accent. "Non siete Spagnuolo," he said; "non siete Tedesco; siete Italiano." The prisoner started and bit his lips. "Ah, that," said the prince, "I understand that language thoroughly; and since he is Italian I will myself continue the examination.

The simple way she assumed her rights in Birkin's room maddened and discouraged Ursula. There was a fatality about it, as if it were bound to be. Hermione lifted the cat and put the cream before him. He planted his two paws on the edge of the table and bent his gracious young head to drink. 'Siccuro che capisce italiano, sang Hermione, 'non l'avra dimenticato, la lingua della Mamma.

It became the instrument by which sects and parties were stirred up to work the ruin of the country. “Unita e non unione. Assemblea del Popolo Italiano e non dieta.” “Unity; not union. The assembly of the Italian people; not a federal diet.” Such was the watchword of Mazzini’s paper.

"Siete Italiano?" said I. "Si, Signor," was his reply. I said it was unusually far north to find one of his compatriots; at which he shrugged his shoulders, and replied that a man would go anywhere to find work.

You stand over there, Sally, an' we'll show 'em 'ow ter skirt dance. They all stopped waltzing. 'Talk of the ballet at the Canterbury and South London. You just wite till you see the ballet at Vere Street, Lambeth we'll knock 'em! She went up to the organ-grinder. 'Na then, Italiano, she said to him, 'you buck up; give us a tune that's got some guts in it! See?

"Siete Italiano?" said I. "Si, signor," was his reply. I said it was unusually far north to find one of his compatriots; at which he shrugged his shoulders, and replied that a man would go anywhere to find work.

He was miserably clad, but his face shone with a strange rapture. When he saw me, he threw himself upon me and embraced me with fervour; his eyes filled with tears, and he was hardly able to get out the words, 'Ah, monsieur, monsieur! moi Hongrois ... pauvre diable ... pas parler Français ... un poco Italiano.

With Foscolo, his literary predecessor Alfieri must be mentioned as having helped in rekindling the embers, of patriotic feeling, because, though dead, he spoke; and his plays, one of which was prophetically dedicated al libero Popolo Italiano, had never been so much read.

It was a tongue unknown to them all and they chose to consider it Italian. Moreover, one Ashton Hanks, a member of the Chicago board of trade, at the hotel for the season, had said to the menagerie, jerking his thumb interrogatively at me, as I was busied in the background with the camel, 'Italiano?

Of course there are surprising possibilities discovered through other clubs, in one of Greek women or in the "circolo Italiano," for a social club often affords a sheltered space in which the gentler social usages may be exercised, as the more vigorous clubs afford a point of departure into larger social concerns.