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Senor Alvez Bhanco E Hollanda declared that "as a commemoration of the benefits which Brazil had derived from Lord Cochrane, there was no other conclusion than that he ought to be paid the whole sum which he claimed, for which the 'Assemblea Geral' should ask a credit."

His Imperial Majesty was pleased to reward the services rendered, by creating me Marquis of Maranhaõ, as the fittest title to commemorate the advantages gained for the empire, at the same time awarding me an estate commensurate with the dignity of the honours conferred; the "Assemblea Geral, Constituente e Legislativa" adding a vote of thanks in the name of the nation.

The annexed is the vote of thanks awarded by the "Assemblea Geral" which, as has been said, refused to recognise His Majesty's gift of an estate in order to support in a dignified manner the title which His Majesty had graciously been pleased to confer.

It became the instrument by which sects and parties were stirred up to work the ruin of the country. “Unita e non unione. Assemblea del Popolo Italiano e non dieta.” “Unity; not union. The assembly of the Italian people; not a federal diet.” Such was the watchword of Mazzini’s paper.