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O, you there in Tlaxcala, you have played like sweet bells upon your drums, even like brilliantly colored flowers. There was Xicontecatl, lord of Tizatlan, the rosy-mouthed, whose songs gave joy like flowers, who listened to the words of the one only God. O, anqui nohuia y, ye mochan ipalnemohua xochipetlatl ye noca xochitica on tzauhticac oncan mitztlatlauhtia in tepilhua ohuaya.

This only do I ask: Thou Giver of Life, be not angry, be not severe on earth, let us live with thee on earth, take us to the Heavens. Azo tle nello nicyaitohua nican ipalnemohua, zan tontemiqui y, zan toncochitlehuaco, nicitoa in tlalticpac ye ayac huel tontiquilhuia ye nicana. But what can I speak truly here of the Giver of Life?

In nepapan xochitl conquimilo, conihuiti ye noyollo niman nichocaya ixpan niauh in tonan. Let my soul be draped in various flowers; let it be intoxicated by them, for soon must I weeping go before the face of our mother. Zan nocolhuia: ipalnemohua ma ca ximozoma, ma ca ximonenequin tlalticpac, mazo tehuantin motloc tinemican y, zan ca ye moch ana ilhuicatlitica.

Zan ye on necuiltonolo in tlalticpac ay oppan titlano chimalli xochitl ay oppan ahuiltilon ipalnemohua; ye ic anauia in tlailotlaqui xayacamacha huia ho ay ya yi ee ohuaya ha ohuaya. The only joy on earth will be again to send the shield-flower, again to rejoice the Giver of Life; already are discontented the faces of the workers in filth.

Cauhtimanizo polihuiz tlalli yan totomihuacan huia cehuiz yiollo o antepilhuan a Huexotzinca y ohuaya ohuaya. Our leaders will lay waste, they will destroy the land, and your children, O Huexotzincos, will have peace of mind. Mizquitl y mancan tzihuactli y mancan ahuehuetl onicacahuia ipalnemohua, xonicnotlamati mochi elimanca Huexotzinco ya zanio oncan in huel on mani tlalla ohuaya ohuaya.