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It never lost it in memory; and many a time in after life Hugh and Fleda recurred to something that was seen or done "that morning when we bought fruit at the Innocens." Besides these scenes of everyday life, which interested and amused Fleda to the last degree, Mr.

Nec Vettius Bolanus, manentibus adhuc civilibus bellis, agitavit Britanniam disciplina: eadem inertia erga hostes, similis petulantia castrorum: nisi quod innocens Bolanus et nullis delictis invisus, caritatem paraverat loco auctoritatis. XVII. Sed, ubi cum cetero orbe Vespasianus et Britanniam recuperavit, magni duces, egregii exercitus, minuta hostium spes.

"I don't know by a bridge of associations, I suppose, resting one end on last year, and the other on the time when I was eleven years old." "Very intelligible," said Mr. Carleton smiling. "Do you remember that morning, Mr. Carleton? when you took Hugh and me to the Marche des Innocens?" "Perfectly." "I have thanked you a great many times since for getting up so early that morning."

"Last fall; uncle Rolf was away, and aunt Lucy unhappy, and I believe I was tired I suppose it was that." For a matter of several rods each was busy with his own musings. But Mr. Carleton bethought himself. "Where are you, Elfie?" "Where am I?" "Yes Not at Queechy?" "No indeed," said Fleda laughing. "Far enough away." "Where?" "At Paris at the Marche des Innocens." "How did you get to Paris?"

"Last fall uncle Rolf was away, and aunt Lucy unhappy and, I believe, I was tired. I suppose it was that." For a matter of several rods, each was busy with his own musings. But Mr. Carleton bethought himself. "Where are you, Elfie?" "Where am I?" "Yes Not at Queechy?" "No, indeed" said Fleda, laughing. "Far enough away." "Where?" "At Paris at the Marché des Innocens."

He made it his business to give her pleasure; and understanding the inquisitive active little spirit he had to do with he went where his own tastes would hardly have led him. The Quai aux Fleurs was often visited, but also the Halle aux Bles, the great Halle aux Vins, the Jardin des Plantes, and the Marche des Innocens.

In fact they indulged in a hundred sports, jocularities, waggeries, and petits jeux innocens: so that the second and third floors of number 6, Lambcourt, Temple, rang with more cheerfulness and laughter than had been known in those precincts for many a long day.

It is on account of the injustice there would be in the sufferings of beasts that divers Cartesians wished to prove that they are only machines, quoniam sub Deo justo nemo innocens miser est: it is impossible that an innocent creature should be unhappy under such a master as God.

In fact they indulged in a hundred sports, jularities, waggeries, and petits jeux innocens: so that the second and third floors of Number 6 Lamb Court, Temple, rang with more cheerfulness and laughter than had been known in those precincts for many a long day.

"How did you get to Paris?" "I don't know by a bridge of associations, I suppose, resting one end on last year, and the other on the time when I was eleven years old." "Very intelligible," said Mr. Carleton, smiling. "Do you remember that morning, Mr. Carleton, when you took Hugh and me to the Marché des Innocens?" "Perfectly."