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Hennessy, the stout philanthropist, "I think so, an' thin again I dinnaw. I don't think we threat thim r-right. If I was th' gover'mint, I'd take what they got, but I'd say, 'Here, take this tin-dollar bill an' go out an' dhrink ye'ersilf to death, I'd say. They ought to have some show." "Well," said Mr. Dooley, "if ye feel that way, ye ought to go an' inlist as an Indyun."

I asked. "A hundred and sixty pounds," he said. "Well, you can inlist as a hundred and sixty pounds of morphine, your dooty bein' to stand in the hospitals arter a battle, and preach while the surgical operations is bein' performed! Think how much you'd save the Gov'ment in morphine."

For this purpose, they elected Centeno as commander in chief of the province; in which capacity he appointed proper persons to be captains of cavalry and infantry under his authority, and used every effort to inlist a body of troops, which he paid out of his own funds, being one of the richest men in the country; but in this he was assisted by the other inhabitants of the province, who contributed towards the expence.

"I had no more thought whin I wint over with him that th' silly goat 'd thry his pranks thin I have iv flyin' over this here bar mesilf. Hinnissy is let me see how ol' Hinnissy is. He was a good foot taller thin me th' St. John's night whin th' comet was in th' sky. Let me see, let me see! Hinnissy's oldest brother was too old to inlist in th' army. Six an' thirty is thirty-six.

'Did ye inlist in th' army, brave man? says Pat. 'I swore him over age, says I. 'Was ye dhrafted in? says th' little man. 'No, says O'Toole. 'Him an' me was in th' same cellar, says I. 'Did ye iver hear iv Ree-saca, 'r Vicksburg, 'r Lookout Mountain? th' little man wint on. 'Did anny man iver shoot at ye with annything but a siltzer bottle?

When the rapacious and mercenary assemble in parties, it is of no consequence under what leader they inlist, whether Caesar or Pompey; the hopes of rapine or pay are the only motives from which they become attached to either. In the disorder of corrupted societies, the scene has been frequently changed from democracy to despotism, and from the last too, in its turn, to the first.

"But," he added, "I have a voice, and that voice is for war." The young man then closed his speech with some strikin and orginal remarks in relation to the star-spangled banner. He was followed by the village minister, a very worthy man indeed, but whose sermons have a tendency to make people sleep pretty industriously. "I am willin' to inlist for one," he said. "What's your weight, parson?"

"I claim the right to express my sentiments here," said Mr. Hinkins, in a slightly indignant tone, "and I shall brook no interruption, if I am a Softmore." "You couldn't be MORE SOFT, my young friend," I observed, whereupon there was cries of Order! order!" "I regret I can't mingle in this strife personally," said the young man. "You might inlist as a liberty-pole," said I, in a silvery whisper.

Those of the confrairies, who have an ambition to distinguish themselves on such occasions, take care to secure their backs from the smart, by means of secret armour, either women's boddice, or quilted jackets. The confrairies are fraternities of devotees, who inlist themselves under the banners of particular saints.

The general design of the following sheets is to inlist Imagination under the banner of Science, and to lead her votaries from the looser analogies, which dress out the imagery of poetry, to the stricter ones, which form the ratiocination of philosophy.