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However, he was able to console himself with the thought that the rams were not likely to do the Confederates any immediate service; for a truthful contraband, brought in by the Union scouts, informed the admiral that "dey has no bottom in, no sides to 'em, an' no top on to 'em, sah; an' dere injines is in Richmon'."

Yo see, de kyars was a comin' fas' dis way, and 'nudder ole injine whiskin' 'long dat way, and dey bofe comes togedder wid a big crash, breakin' de kyars, and de injines bofe of em, till dey's good for nuffin' but kin'lin' wood; and de folks what's ridin' in de kyars is all broke up too, dey says; and de doctahs and body" "Edward!" gasped Zoe. "Drive us there, Uncle Ben, drive with all your might!

'That's th' best I can say about it, says he. 'Did ye not glide noiselessly through th' wather? says I? 'I did not, says he. 'Divvle th' glide. We bumped along pretty fast an' th' injines made noises like injines an' th' ship creaked like anny ship. 'An' wasn't th' food fine? 'It depinded on th' weather.

He seemed in danger of apoplexy several times from the efforts he made to subdue his laughter. But, all at once there was a sudden cessation in his mirth, and a visible lengthening of his visage. Grasping the shoulder of the soldier, he exclaimed: "Look dar! Look dar! See dem!" "I see nothing to alarm us." "Look dar whar we went into the clearin'. Don't you see dem Injines dar?"

'I'm going to say my prayers, he said, 'and it's de last time too, 'cause de Injines will soon be here. I didn't try to stop him, for I felt so bad, I commenced saying mine in de bed. "Big Mose kept mumbling and crying for a long time, and I shaking more and more, when all at once, hebens, golly! I see'd somefin' bright-like shine trough de winder, and I looked out and de barn was all afire.

I lef 'em sleepin'; and come out for to see whedder dar war any Injines crawlin' round in de woods, and I didn't see none but you, and you ain't an Injine." The appointed hour for the meeting between Hans Vanderbum and Oonomoo having arrived, the Dutchman added: "He ish to meet me 'bout dis time or leetles sooner, and, so we both goes togedder mit each oder, so dat we won't bees alone."

"You find de way must go can't stay wid us." "Oh, gorry! don't leab me among de Injines; dey will eat me up alive!" replied the negro, bellowing like a bull. Canfield saw the glitter of the Huron's eyes, and taking Cato by the arm, said: "Let us hear no more of this, Cato, or you will arouse the anger of Oonomoo, and there is no telling what he may do."

"I hope it is all right," said the Deacon, a little abashed; "but I never had any use for a hoss that went back more'n he did forrard." But this was only the first of many similar experiences, which occupied the rest of the day. "Good gracious, do they want to wear the track and wheels and injines clean out?" grumbled the Deacon. "No wonder they're all out o' order.

"Of course you are; and what do you mean by that confounded rag up there?" cried the officer, pointing to the flag of the "B. O. W. C." "If you think you can fish in this style, you'll find yourself mistaken. I know too much about this business." "Do you? Well, then, kind sir, allow me to mention that you've got somethin to larn yet spite o' your steam injines an spy-glasses."

I told Big Mose to be still and go to sleep, 'cause it seemed to me if I went to sleep when t'ings looked bad, dey would be all right agin in de mornin'. But, he wouldn't be still and says, 'I tell you, Cato, dar am Injines crawlin' around ob dis house dis very minute, 'cause I can hear dar knees and hands on de ground. I couldn't make Big Mose keep quiet.