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That's the home plate. This spoon is first base. Where I'm putting this cup is second. This piece of bacon is third. There's your diamond for you. Very well, then. These lumps of sugar are the infielders and the outfielders. Now we're ready. Batter up? He stands here. Catcher behind him. Umps behind catcher." "Umps, I take it, sir, is what we would call the umpire?" "Call him anything you like.

Then he skipped back over the chalk-mark before the umpire could order him back. The Wyndham infielders crept forward, crouching and ready. Newbert, contemptuous of Tuttle's skill as a batter, handed up an easy one.

They mingled with the candidates and talked baseball to them and talked to Arthurs. Some of them might have played ball once, but they did not talk like it. Their advice and interference served only to make the coach's task harder. Another Monday found only twenty players in the squad. That day Arthurs tried out catchers, pitchers, and infielders.

"You're up against it now, Sparkfair," came from Lawrence Graves, as Bart stood forth to the plate. "I'm scared to death!" laughed Dale. "See me tremble! See me vibrate!" The infielders crept in for a bunt, while Sparkfair pitched a swift, high ball. Hodge attempted to drop the ball just inside the first-base line, but made a foul tip, and the sphere plunked into young Joe Crowfoot's mitt.

Instead of bunting, the fat lad rapped out a little fly, that sailed over the heads of the in-drawn infielders, and Cooper, having obtained a good start, went twinkling over second and on to third. Wyndham had been deceived, much to the annoyance of the local players, who looked at one another inquiringly. It was rather remarkable that Tuttle had not followed his own signal, plainly given.

It was possible, however, that, seeing the infielders prepared to take his bunt, the fellow had decided at the last moment to do something else. Nelson followed Tuttle, and he held his bat in a manner that seemed to proclaim he would "take one," giving Chub a chance to try to steal second on the first ball pitched.

"That's the place, Bo," cried the Buffalo infielders. "Keep 'em close on the Crab." Eager and fierce as McCall was, he let pitch after pitch go by till he had three balls and two strikes. Still the heady Vane sent up another pitch similar to the others. Mac stepped forward in the box, dropped his bat on the ball, and leaped down the line toward first base.

Again in the seventh we had a chance to score, only to fail on another double play, this time by the infield. When the Providence players were at bat their luck not only held good but trebled and quadrupled. The little Texas-league hits dropped safely just out of reach of the infielders. My boys had an off day in fielding.

The bewildered infielders knew they were being played with. The taunting "boo-hoos" and screams of delight from the bleachers were as demoralizing as the illusively daring runners. Closer and closer the infielders edged in until they were right on top of the batters. Then Dale and his men began to bunt little infield flies over the heads of their opponents. The merry audience cheered wildly.

He is a good waiter," yelled Cooper gayly. "He's worked in a restaurant some time. You've got him now, Phil." Trying to "pull" Dingley, Phil again used a curve that was too wide, and the third ball was called. The batter gripped his club and stood ready, determination in his manner. The infielders crouched on their toes, and the outfielders were prepared to run in any direction.