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There is a Latin maxim which his Majesty cited at the banquet last night Etiam aconito inest remedium and which may be freely rendered by our homely saying, that 'It is an ill wind that bloweth nobody good luck; and this hath proved true with Sir Jocelyn Mounchensey for the gust that hath wrecked your father hath driven him into port, where he now rides securely in the sunshine of the King's favour.

The third was originally the smallest bell of the peal, and bears the Latin hexameter: "SUM MINIMA HIC CAMPANA, AT INEST, SUA GRATIA PARVIS," and the words, "THIS BELL WAS ADDED TO YE FIVE IN 1686, Samuel Knight." The two smaller bells are of recent date. The #Lectern# bears date 1623.

Nor would I be understood as unwilling to concede to those who are living in the exercise of them, their proper tribute of commendation: Inest sua gratia. Of such persons it must be said, in the language of scripture, "they have their reward."

The entrance was triumphal: we left the river with a tail of fifty-six which had swelled to 150 ragged followers. After a short delay we proceeded to the "palace," which was distinguished from afar by a long projecting gable, forming a cool verandah. Descending some three hundred feet, we passed a familiar sight in Africa, where "arboribus suus horror inest."

Look here," he continued, taking his pocketbook out of his pocket, "I have got his words down as Shuffleton quoted them in the Divinity-school the other day: 'Fides significat fiduciam; in fiducidâ inest dilectio; ergo etiam dilectione sumus justi." Three of the party cried "Impossible!" The paper was handed round in solemn silence. "Calvin said the same," said No. 1 triumphantly.

Adde huc, si placet, unguentarios, saltatores, totumque ludum talarium. Quibus autem artibus aut prudentia maior inest, aut non mediocris utilitas quaeritur, ut medicina, ut architectura, ut doctrina rerum honestarum, eae sunt iis, quorum ordini conveniunt, honestae.

Adde huc, si placet, unguentarios, saltatores, totumque ludum talarium. Quibus autem artibus aut prudentia maior inest, aut non mediocris utilitas quaeritur, ut medicina, ut architectura, ut doctrina rerum honestarum, eae sunt iis, quorum ordini conveniunt, honestae.

The light of nature could direct Seneca to this doctrine in a very remarkable passage among his epistles; Sacer inest in nobis spiritus, bonorum malorumque custos et observator; et quemadmodum nos illum tractamus, ita et ille nos.

It is a peculiarity of the German race. It is not, however, exclusively German. Something similar prevailed among the Persians, Herod. 1, 189. 7, 55. Darius Hystaspes was indebted to the neighing of his horse for his elevation to the throne. Iisdem memoribus, Sec. 9. Mortali opere==hominum opere. Contacti. Notio contaminandi inest, K. Pressi curru. Harnessed to the sacred chariot.