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To say that the Syndic, as soon as he had withdrawn, repented of his weakness and wished with all his heart that he had not opened until the remedium was in his hand, is only to say that he was human. He did more than this, indeed.

Contra venenum quod de quarto arboris genere stillat, solum est intoxicato remedium, vt de proprio fimo per puram aquam distemperato bibat.

Peebles; 'a Multiplepoinding is the safest REMEDIUM JURIS in the whole; form of process. I have known it conjoined with a declarator of marriage.

"You will greatly relieve me." "Ay, indeed, I hope it is so," Petitot murmured. "I will see, and and return," Blondel repeated, beginning to stammer. "I I shall not be a minute." The struggle for composure was vain; his head was on fire, his limbs twitched. Had it come? Yet when he reached the door he paused, afraid to open. What if it were not the remedium, what if it were some trifle?

If it be the philtre only that she has taken as you say?" "If it be the philtre? The mother, you mean?" "Yes." "Mad! Mad!" Basterga repeated with decision, "and beside herself. As you had been," he continued grimly, "had you by any chance taken the aqua Medeæ." "That you kept in the steel box?" "Ay." "You are sure it was not the remedium?" Blondel leaned forward.

And yet, if he dared adopt the latter course, if he dared give the word to seize, there was a chance, and a good chance, that he would find the remedium in the casket; for with a little arrangement Basterga might be arrested out of doors, or be allured to a particular place and there be set upon. But in that way lay risk; a risk that chilled the current of the Syndic's blood.

The least thing might precipitate the scholar's arrest; his arrest must lead to the loss of the remedium, if it existed; and the loss of the remedium to the loss of that which Messer Blondel had come to value the more dearly the more he sacrificed to keep it the Syndic's life. He dared not call the watch, and he dared not use violence.

But the scholar, leaning Atlas-like, against the wall beside the long low window, with his arms crossed, and his great head sunk on his breast, did not move. He saw that this was his hour and he must use it. "To what purpose?" he answered slowly: and he shrugged his shoulders. "Why go to the trouble? The remedium is in Turin.

You are under the impression that the drug this jade stole was the remedium of Ibn Jasher, the one incomparable and sovereign result of long years of study and research? You believe that I kept this in a mere locked box, the key accessible by all who knew my habits, and the treasure at the mercy of the first thief! Mon Dieu! Mon Dieu!

He reflected that he would get the remedium in the morning. He would certainly get it. The girl was won over, Basterga was away. Practically, he had no one to fear. And to make a stir when the matter could be arranged without a stir was not the part of a wise man in the position of a magistrate. Slowly he turned and walked away.