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"Do you indorse this, father?" asked Carl, turning to Dr. Crawford. "No!" answered his father, with unwonted energy. "My house will always be your home." "You seem to have changed your mind, Dr. Crawford," sneered his wife. "Where did you pick up the report of Carl's being killed on the railroad?" asked the doctor, sternly. "Peter heard it in the village," said Mrs. Crawford, carelessly.

"I can refer you to my friend, Mr. Leslie, here." "And who will indorse him?" asked the expressman, shrewdly. Leslie smiled. "I see, Mr. Tucker, you are a thorough man of business. I can refer you to Mr. , president of the Bank in this city." "That is sufficient, sir. I am sure you would not refer me to him unless you felt satisfied that he would speak favorably of you.

Or, if he should indorse it in blank, or order it paid "to the bearer," it would again pass, as at first, by mere delivery. In common business transactions in the country, notes intended to be negotiable are usually made payable to bearer, as in the form given. The making of a note payable to order protects the holder or owner in case the note should be lost.

"Any old time will do for that," declared Bobolink, carelessly, whereupon Old Dan Tucker gave him a look of dismay, and sadly shook his head, as though he did not indorse such a foolish theory at all.

Lincoln said: "If you indorse him, you tell him you do not care whether Slavery be voted up or down, and he will close, or try to close, your mouths with his declaration repeated by the day, the week, the month, and the year.

Any reason I should indorse for you? Know any reason?" "Nary," said Kent, and started to move off. "Hold your bosses. What you need the money for?" "Pay off a thousand-dollar mortgage and another thousand to git the farm in shape to run." "Calculate you kin run it, then?" "If I git the tools." "I figger maybe you kin. Like to see you git ahead. Where d'you calculate to buy them implements?"

Deane, to avoid further altercation, expressed her readiness to indorse the draft, on condition that the balance, after paying for the piano, should be set aside for Dora. "And haven't I told you repeatedly that the piano was all I wanted? and I shouldn't be so particularly anxious about that, if I did not think it would aid me in securing Mr. Hastings."

My highest ambition is that those who know something of the matter should, after reading my account, be able to conscientiously indorse it without finding a single paragraph in which I have either added to or detracted from the truth. Should I attain this result, I shall rest amply satisfied with the outcome of my first, and probably my last, venture in literature.

No definite purpose had been expressed in the published call as to what should be done at the Rally, but Colonel Sneekins's plans were fully matured. The Hon. Doyle O'Meagher, the Boss of Tammany Hall, had promised that his organization should indorse for the office of Mayor the nominee presented by the Reformers. As to the identity of their candidate there was but one mind among the Reformers.

Abraham had made a very good bargain out of the widow's son. Adam knew well that he could not be spared, and pitied the old man's helpless rage. He took his frantic insults as part of his senility, and felt it no unmanliness to appease it by giving his promise that he would speak no more of love to Emmy while he was taking her father's wages. But Emmy did not indorse this promise fully.