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"D'ee make much at this work now, my lad?" asked the captain. "Not wery much, sir. Just about enough to keep soul an' body together, an' not always that. It was on'y last veek as I was starvin' to that extent that my soul very nigh broke out an' made his escape, but the doctor he got 'old of it by the tail an' 'eld on till 'e indooced it to stay on a bit longer.

In fact, some hard topers have been indooced to take the pledge in consekince o' what they've heard an' seen in this Welcome, though they came at first only for the readin'-room an' beds. Here, let me look at you under this here lamp. Yes. You'll do. You're something like a sea-dog already. You won't object to change hats wi' me?" "Why?" asked Miles, somewhat amused. "Never you mind that, mate.

W'en I first putt up at the Welcome, the messmate as took me there said to me, says he, `Jack, says he, `you was always fond o' water. `Right you are, says I. `Well, says he, `there's a place in the Sailors' Welcome where you can wash yourself all day, if you like, for nothing! "I do b'lieve it was that as indooced me to give in.

Why, there was a poor old lady the other day that was indooced by a young nephy to send a telegraphic message to her husband in Manchester she bein' in London. She was very unwillin' to do it, bein' half inclined to regard the telegraph as a plant from the lower regions.

"That's your sort!" cried Fred; "now then, May, don't stand jawin' there, but down with number two. Look alive!" "Ha! chips o' the old blocks, I see," said Bob Clazie, with a grin. "Well, as I was sayin', there's another class o' men, not so bad as the first, but bad enough, who are indooced to go in for this crime of fire-raisin' arson they calls it, but why so is beyond me to diskiver.

"Ay," assented Quintal, gradually becoming amiable, "the good old times before that fool Fletcher Christian indooced us to jine him. Here's to 'ee, lad, once more." "Why, when I think o' the jolly times I've had at the Blue Boar of Plymouth," said McCoy, "or at the Swan wi' the two throttles, in in I forget where, I feel I feel like like here's your health again, Matt Quintal.

Leastwise I know many a hard drinker as have bin indooced to give it up and stuck to it all through comin' here to have a snooze in a comfortable hunk. They give the bunks names cubicles they calls 'em in the lump.

The mate stared, slowly passing a hand across his chin as though to make sure of his own beard. "What indooced 'ee?" "When you're in Rome," said Captain Cai, with a somewhat forced nonchalance, "you do as the Romans do." "Do they?" asked Mr Tregaskis vaguely. "Besides, we ain't," he objected after a moment. "Crew all right?" "Upstairs," this with a jerk of the thumb. "Hey? . . . But why?

"Was you really the babby as was born to that poor miserable sea-sick gentleman, Mr Wright you'll excuse my sayin' so in the middle of a thunder-clap an' a flash o' lightnin' as would have split our main-mast an' sent us to the bottom, along wi' the ship, if it hadn't bin for the noo lightnin' conductor that Mr Harris, the inventor, indooced our skipper to put up!"

I've had over 500 public-houses pinted out to me where Garrick went. I was indooced one night, by a seleck comp'ny of Britons, to visit sum 25 public-houses, and they confidentially told me that Garrick used to go to each one of 'em. Also, Dr. Johnson. This won't do, you know. May be I've rambled a bit in this communycation. I'll try and be more collected in my next, and meanwhile, b'lieve me,