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When the older woman rose to go, Nannie clung to her: "Oh, won't you tell her? Please please!" Poor old Miss White could only shake her head: "I can't, my dear, I can't! It would not be fitting. Do it now, my dear; do it immejetly, and get it over." When Cherry-pie had wavered back into the night, Nannie gathered up her courage to "get it over."

Richie says she's quite sure she isn't really vain in wanting such things." "I have been at my post, sir, since Elizabeth was three years old," Miss White said with spirit, "and I have frequently told you that she was not vain. I'll go and tell her what you say, immejetly!" But when Cherry-pie went to carry the great news she found Elizabeth's door locked. "What?

He waxes quite heroic about it, our sport does; a condition of sperits, by the way, I've allers noticed is prone to immejetly precede complete c'llapse. "'These yere reform thoughts of our sport consoomes a hour. About that time, however, he engages himse'f with the fifth drink of nose- paint. Tharupon faro-bank takes on a different tint.

'Ye will jine th' other boys fr'm th' club at Tampa, he says. 'Ye shud be careful iv ye'er equipment, he says. 'I have almost ivrything r-ready, says Willie. 'Me man attinded to thim details, he says. 'But I fear I can't go to th' fr-ront immejetly, he says. 'Me pink silk pijammas hasn't arrived, he says. 'Well, says Mack, 'wait f'r thim, he says.

"She hasn't come home yet from Nannie's," Miss White told him; "I thought she would be here immejetly after breakfast. I can't imagine what keeps her, though I suppose they have a great deal to talk over!" "Well, she'll have to wait for her good news," Mr. Ferguson said; and handed a telegram to Miss White. "Despatch from David.

"An' the''s another breed," sez I, "that ain't nothin' but children an' that's the writers. An idea comes along an' stings 'em like a bee, an' they immejetly begin to swell. They swell an' swell until the whole earth ain't nothin' but the background for that bee-sting.

I scented trouble; so when a couple o' men pounced onto the place where I'd just stood they found me immejetly behind 'em, an' I rapped 'em on the heads before they could express a sound. I heard a noise at the keyhole an' I whispered in, "If you want to save the life o' Silver Dick, open the door." I waited a minute an' then the door opened an inch, but a chain kept it from goin' any wider.

"But why do you want to spoil them?" gasped Miss White, struggling to take the blacking-bottle away from her. "Elizabeth, tell me immejetly! What has happened?" "I didn't go on the journey," said Elizabeth; "and David wouldn't stay at home with me; he liked Blair and Nannie better 'an me. He hurt my feelings; so pretty soon right away I got mad mad mad to think he wouldn't stay with me.

"Miss White," he said, knocking his glasses off, "Elizabeth is getting to be a big girl; will you kindly make a point of teaching her things?" "I will do so immejetly, sir," said Miss White. "What things?" "Why," said Robert Ferguson, helplessly, "why general morals." He put his glasses on carefully, with both hands. "Elizabeth asked me a very improper question; she asked me about divorce, and "

When David Richie opened the library door and came into the hall he was outwardly far steadier than they. "I think I'll go to the depot now, sir. No, thank you, Miss White; I'll get something to eat there," "Oh, but my dear boy," she said, trying to swallow her tears, "now do now don't I can have your breakfast ready immejetly, and " "Let him alone," Mr.