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"Tak' your hand off me, you ill-tongued bissam," saya he, "or I'll lay your feet fest for you." "Will you?" says I; an' I gae him a shuve that kowpit him heels-ower-heid ower the tap o' Gairner Winton's ae-wheeled barrow, that was sittin' ahent him.

He paused a moment, then said, with sudden gravity and resignation and even a sort of half business-like air, "Wife, ye may make my shroud, and sew it and all; but I wouldn't buy the stuff of Bess Crummles; she is an ill-tongued woman, and came near making mischief between you and me last Lammermas as ever was." "Shroud!" cried Mrs. Eaves, getting seriously alarmed.

'They're some black, I doobt, mem, he remarked, rubbing them hard upon his trowsers before he showed them; 'for I was amaist cawin' oot the brains o' Dooble Sanny wi' his ain lapstane. He's an ill-tongued chield. But eh! mem, ye suld hear him play upo' the fiddle! He's greitin' his een oot e'en noo for the bonnie leddy.

So that you do herein yet find the Pleasure of Marriage. But it is much farther to be sought for among the vexations which house-keeping people have not only from children, but from base-natured, lasie, tailing, lavish, and ill-tongued servants; done unto them somtimes by their men, but generally by the foolish and stifnecked Maids.

Her father had not yet sat down, and it was, indeed, well that he had not for it required all his activity and strength united, to intercept the meditated blow, by seizing his daughter's arm. "Sarah," said he, "what is this? are you mad, you murdhering jade, to attempt the vagabond's life? for she is a vagabond, and an ill-tongued vagabond.

It was only the other day that an ill-tongued house-maid of mine, after I had paid her her wages, and 'stopped' for the articles she injured on me, turned round, and called me a skinflint; they have made it a common nickname on me.

Tut, sure divil a week that they don't flake one another, an' half my time's, taken up reddin' them." "Did you ever happen to get the reddin' blow? eh? ha, ha, ha!" "No, not yet; but the truth is, Art, that an ill-tongued wife has driven many a husband to ruin, an' only that I'm there to pay attention to the business, he'd be a poor drunken beggarman long ago, an' all owin' to her vile temper."

And invariably when such had taken place, the shoemaker would ask forgiveness before he went. Holding out his left hand, from which nothing could efface the stains of rosin and lamp-black and heel-ball, save the sweet cleansing of mother-earth, he would say, I'm an ill-tongued vratch, an' I'm beginnin' to see 't.

He's the minister's man, ye ken, an' howks the graves ower by at the parish kirk-yard, for the auld betheral there winna gang ablow three fit deep, and them that haes ill-tongued wives to haud doon disna want ony mistake " "Meg," said her mistress, "do not forget yourself." 'Guid be thankit! he says, 'I had the forethocth to order a stane heavy eneuch to hand them baith doon!"

"No more I do, leastwise if they wos here I'd say it to their faces; for they're a set of as ill-tongued villains as I ever had the misfortune to " "Silence!" exclaimed the captain, suddenly, in a voice of thunder. Few men would have ventured to disobey the command given by such a man, but John Bumpus was one of those few.