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Napoleon had reckoned upon this, as he always did upon everything, and for that good reason he had not grudged the time devoted to his home affairs. These being settled according to his will, and mob turned into pomp as gaily as grub turns into butterfly, a strong desire for a little more glory arose in his mighty but ill-regulated mind.

Contrary to fact and logic, he does honestly think that his hand is still at his disposal; and I certainly do suspect that he would have employed that excursion in endeavouring to persuade you to think as he does. Be that how it may, however, it is satisfactory to me to know that you shall never more be troubled by one word from that ill-regulated young man.

There is reason to fear that his misrule was bad enough; for his beautiful wife had died, leaving him with an infant son, and his court was again so careless, dissipated, and ill-regulated, that it was said he sometimes lay in bed of a day for want of clothes to put on his attendants having stolen all his dresses.

The sculptor a young man, and cherishing a love which insulated him from the wild experiences which some men gather was startled to perceive how Miriam's rich, ill-regulated nature impelled her to fling herself, conscience and all, on one passion, the object of which intellectually seemed far beneath her. "How have you obtained the certainty of which you speak?" asked he, after a pause.

Gowdy, to whom Jared too had been an abstraction an abstraction compact of bumptious heresy as regarded art and of crass ignorance as regarded life in general finally realized him now as a human being, faulty and ill-regulated, indeed, but not altogether unlikeable, and by no means lacking in a sort of rude capacity.

As the weeks went on, his ill-regulated passions grew more and more free from the control of reason or manliness, and he sank downwards, downwards, downwards, into the most shameful abysses of an idle, and evil, and dissipated life. And the germ of that ruin was planted by the hand of the clever, and gay, and handsome Vyvyan Bruce.

Mine was an ill-regulated mind at this period. As I read over the lives of these robbers and pickpockets, strange doubts began to arise in my mind about virtue and crime. I had a very ill-regulated mind at that period. My own peculiar ideas with respect to everything being a lying dream began also to revive.

'I consider that to be put out by which you mean to have the intellect at the mercy of another's folly is beneath a reasonable creature, said Philip; 'but that I was annoyed, I do not deny. It is a token of a restless, ill-regulated mind. 'Restless, perhaps, said Mrs. Edmonstone 'but not necessarily ill-regulated.

What, indeed, should be the conduct of a king the affairs of whose kingdom are ill-regulated, and who disregards the requirements of place and time, who is unable, in consequence of his oppressions, to bring about peace and cause disunion among his foes? Should he seek the acquisition of wealth by evil means, or should he lay down his life without seeking wealth?"

In a word, Adrienne was the most complete, the most ideal personification of SENSUALITY not of vulgar, ignorant, non intelligent, mistaken sensuousness which is always deceit ful and corrupted by habit or by the necessity for gross and ill-regulated enjoyments, but that exquisite sensuality which is to the senses what intelligence is to the soul.