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That's some 'igh-born suckling on the destroyer. Destroyer signals: 'Care not. All will be known later. What merry beehive's broken loose now?" "What odds! We've done our little job." "Why why it's Two Six Seven!" Here Pyecroft dropped from the rail among the fishy nets and shook the Agatha with heavings.

D'ye think yer aforesaid 'igh-born parents are going to dive down into this stinkin' suburb of hell to find yer out? Not likely. You've got to find 'em sonny. Yer can find anybody on the 'ighroad if yer tramps long enough. What d'yer think?" "I'll find 'em," said Paul, in dizzy contemplation of possibilities. "When are yer going to start?" asked Barney Bill.

It's a man's life and a free life, and I think yer likes it, don't yer?" "Ay," said Paul, "it's foine." "On the other hand, as I said afore, I won't stand in yer way, and if yer thinks you'll get nearer to your 'igh-born parents by hitching up with Mr. Architect, well you're old enough to choose. I leave it to you." But Paul had already chosen.

He came among them, none knew whence he was going, none knew whither. He was conscious of being a creature of mystery. In his childish arrogance he would ask Barney Bill, "Why don't they go away and leave it, like me?" And the wizened little man would reply, with the flicker of an eyelid unperceived by Paul, "Because they haven't no 'igh-born parents waiting for 'em.

You haven't come any nearer finding your 'igh-born parents?" there was a twinkle in his eyes "'ave yer?" "I'm not going to bother any more about them, whoever they are," said Paul, lighting a cigarette. "When I was a kid I used to dream that they would find me and do everything for me. Now I'm a man with experience of life, I find that I've got to do everything for myself.

Sick persons must be amused: and Tilda, after trying the patient unsuccessfully with a few jokes from the repertoire of her own favourite clown, had fallen back upon "I love my love" about the only game known to her that dispensed with physical exertion. "Sleepin', are you? . . . Well, I'll chance it and go on. I 'ate 'im because he's 'aughty or 'igh-born, if you like "

I've observed lots of things going round in the old 'bus. Most folks believe in nothing. What's the good of 'em? Move mountains? They're paralytic in front of a dunghill. I know what I'm talking about, bless yer. Now you come along believing in yer 'igh-born parents. I larfed, knowing as who yer parents were. But you believed, and I had to let you believe.

And I wouldn't stand in your way, sonny, seeing as how you want to get to your 'igh-born parents. You might find 'em on the road, and then again you mightn't. And thirty bob a week at fourteen-no-it would be flying in the face of Providence to say 'don't do it! But what licks me is: what the blazes do they want with a little varmint like you? Why shouldn't they pay thirty bob a week to paint me?"

"It's the living image of 'im," said Barney Bill. "He tells me he's going up to London to seek his fortune," said Rowlatt, putting in the finishing touches. "And his 'igh-born parents," said Barney Bill, winking at Paul. Paul flushed and wriggled uncomfortably. Instinct deprecated crude revelation of the mystery of his birth to the man of refinement.

They would impress beholders who had not the same reasons for preoccupation as Barney Bill. "You're thinking of your 'igh-born parents," said Barney Bill. "All right, keep 'em. Only hide 'ern away safe. And now get in and let us clear out of this place. It smelts like a cheese with an escape of gas running through it. And you'd better stay inside and not show your face all day long.