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The subject becomes more lame and eventually is rendered incapable of service. Upon manipulation of the patellar region, one is impressed with the fact that hyperesthesia does not exist in proportion to the pain manifested during locomotion. In some cases a gelatinous swelling is present and may be detected by palpating between the straight ligaments of the patella.

Tenderness and hyperesthesia over the spinous processes of the 4th, 5th, and 6th cervical vertebrae led to the application of the thermocautery, which, in conjunction with the administration of ergot and bromide, was attended with marked benefit, though not by complete cure. Barlow mentions a man with a rheumatic affection of the shoulder who hiccoughed when he moved his joints.

In small puncture wounds the immediate application of a vesicating ointment has given good results, but when infection has taken place to such extent that the animal manifests evidence of intense pain, and lameness is marked and local swelling and hyperesthesia are great, vesication is contraindicated.

He was very cautious about this and became motionless any time he became aware of observation. This condition persisted apparently for five years more, by the end of which time the anesthesia had turned into a hyperesthesia. A year later he began to eat. It was now found that he had an amnesia for his illness and former life, so that he did not even recognize a needle or pair of scissors.

Neuroses of the skin consist in augmentation of sensibility or hyperesthesia and diminution of sensibility or anesthesia. There are some curious old cases of loss of sensation. Ferdinandus mentions a case of a young man of twenty-four who, after having been seized with insensibility of the whole body with the exception of the head, was cured by purgatives and other remedies.

In acute inflammatory affections abnormal heat may be detected in the region of the heel. By exerting tension on the flexor tendon, by means of passive dorsal flexion of the member, evidence of hyperesthesia may be detected. With the hoof testers one may determine supersensitivenss in most instances.

The next act shows her thirty years later when, as an elderly spinster, she is passing through the climacteric, and is in the state of sexual hyperesthesia some women are afflicted with before the menopause. It is as if the ovaries and the accessory sex internal secretions erupt into a sort of final geyser before they are exhausted.

I put it to you over the home-plate that the idea of a cooperative commonwealth and an abolishment of competitive systems simply takes the rag off the bush and gives me hyperesthesia of the roopteetoop! The skookum house for yours!" I stopped a few yards away and took out my little notebook. "Oh, come ahead," said Rivington, somewhat nervously; "you don't want to listen to that."

Sprains of the mesial tarsal ligaments cause lameness somewhat similar to that of spavin. However, in establishing a diagnosis, local evidence in these cases is of greater significance than the manner of locomotion. During the acute stage of inflammation there is to be detected local hyperthermia, some hyperesthesia and a little swelling.

The woman naturally became a bundle of nerves, highly irritable, unreasonable, and hysterical. All this reacted in the most detrimental manner upon her physical health. The seed for much of this emotional hyperesthesia is sown in childhood. From birth until the end of the eighth year should be one grand holiday.