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Germany appeared in the position of a Frankenstein who had created a hydra-headed monster of conspiracy and intrigue that had stampeded beyond control, and washed her hands of its depredations. The situation, however, was only susceptible to this view by an inner interpretation of the official disclaimers.

Thereupon I answered that he himself had violated one of them, but that he had violated it grandly. "Which is that?" "You do not write, 'Contentus paucis lectoribus'." "If Horace had had to combat the hydra-headed monster of superstition, he would have written as I have written for all the world." "It seems to me that you might spare yourself the trouble of combating what you will never destroy."

Even love is sold; the solace of all woe Is turned to deadliest agony, old age Shivers in selfish beauty's loathing arms, And youth's corrupted impulses prepare A life of horror from the blighting bane Of commerce; whilst the pestilence that springs From unenjoying sensualism has filled All human life with hydra-headed woes."

I tell you there are giants to be fought, hydra-headed ones the giants of ignorance, of wickedness, of injustice, and they call for a sharper, keener sword than that wielded by the knights of old." And there came into her heart a great fear lest her boy, who had too much imagination, too much ideality, would waste his life in dreams.

All perceive that something must be done to direct the plunging course of this hydra-headed democracy which, as its onrush is in any case irresistible, may at any moment deviate from the path and fling itself headlong to perdition.

I deny that religion is the end or object of this life. When it is so considered it becomes destructive of happiness. The real end of life is, happiness. It becomes a hydra-headed monster, reaching in terrible coils from the heavens, and thrusting its thousand fangs into the bleeding, quivering hearts of men.

It is significant that Tacitus, who wrote his history some few years after the defense of Josephus was published, repeated with added virulence the fables which the Jewish writer had refuted. The charges of anti-Semites have in every age borne a charmed life: they are hydra-headed, and can be refuted, not by literature, but by life.

O'Laugher with a look of great surprise, "were you never proceeded against for damages? Was an action for breach of promise of marriage never brought against you?" No, never; the witness had never been in such a predicament. "What, never? What are the fathers and brothers of Connaught doing to let such a hydra-headed monster as thou near their doors such a wolf into their sheep-pens?

Now Adam, sitting in separate judgment, had reached out into the void and linked himself to Whitaker to Brian, to Garry and his barbs stung. That terror of misgiving, lulled into quietude here in the peace and charm of his life with Joan, stirred within him hydra-headed and drove the color from his face. Then he blazed into rebellion. Failure! Vanity! Self!

Needless to say that Lady Auriol had thrown all her curiosities, her illusions they were hydra-headed her enthusiasms and her splendid vitality into the war. She had organized and directed as Commandant a great hospital in the region of Boulogne.