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"I should like to think that it was like that," he said, glancing around at the brigands about them. "And that you or we might emulate the example of Hercules." "Ah, yes." "But our enemies are more than hydra-headed." The other glanced eagerly about him before he spoke. "It is a question; I should almost sooner run a good deal of risk than be marched quietly off."

Stephen's, with a hazy fog steaming round them, and a London mob crushing against their chargers' flanks, while Black Douglas stood like a rock, though a butcher's tray was pressed against his withers, a mongrel was snapping at his hocks, and the inevitable apple-woman, of Cecil's prophetic horror, was wildly plunging between his legs, as the hydra-headed rushed down in insane, headlong haste to stare at, and crush on to, that superb body of Guards.

"No, Wolsey," replied Henry, taking a hasty turn across the chamber; "no considerations of interests or security shall induce me to give up Anne. I love her too well for that. Let the lion Charles roar, the fox Francis snarl, and the hydra-headed Clement launch forth his flames, I will remain firm to my purpose. I will not play the hypocrite with you, whatever I may do with others.

Behold hydra-headed infidelity stalking over New England, in clerical robes. Behold others, who have so far lost sight of their calling, and the spirit of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, that they are opposing the execution of the laws of our common country! Sowing dissentions and exciting feelings of envy, jealousy and hatred among our citizens.

Above all, in its literature does witchcraft exhibit the conclusive proof of its age, its hydra-headed forms, and its influence in the intellectual and spiritual development of the races of men. What of this literature? Count in it all the works that treat of the subject in its many phases, and its correlatives, and it is limitless, a literature of all times and all lands.

We drew prancing starfishes; frogs in mortal combat; hydra-headed worms; stately crawfishes, standing on their tails, bearing aloft umbrellas; and grotesque fishes with gaping mouths and staring eyes. The Professor came in shortly after, and was as amused as any at our experiments. He looked at the fishes. 'Haemulons, every one of them, he said; 'Mr. drew them.

And then when one is well nigh desperate, does one's husband fail to say, in bland tones: "My dear, if you would just speak to Bridget, I am sure she would improve." Oh, that there were indeed magic in a spoken word! And do what I can, the money Ernest gives me will not hold out. He knows absolutely nothing about that hydra-headed monster, a household.

"It would take the hydra-headed monster of may I bring my mother to call on you and the Mrs. Henderson?" he asked and poured the wonder smile all over me. Again I almost caught my breath. "I do wish you would, Aunt Adeline is so fond of Mrs. Wade!"

"What were you looking for?" Chantry's wonder was not feigned. "For your hydra-headed prejudice. Makes me want to play Hercules." "Oh, drop your metaphors, Havelock. Get into the game. What is it?" "It's this: that you don't think or affect not to think that it's decent for a man to recognize his own worth." Chantry did not retort. He dropped his chin on his chest and thought for a moment.

It was all very well for Hugh to disclaim anything further than pure friendship, but now that Gossip was casting her hydra-headed venom upon their affairs, it was surely time to act. Hugh would be awaiting her at Farnham next afternoon. She crossed to the window and looked at the bright stars. In war time she used to see the long beams of searchlights playing to and fro.