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She had not heard him enter, and started at the salutation. Lord Hartledon laughed. "Don't take me for a housebreaker. Your front-door was open, and I came in without knocking. Is your husband at home?" What with shaking and curtseying, Mrs. Gum could scarcely answer. It was surprising how a little shock of this sort, or indeed of any sort, would upset her.

There were three windows, high but narrow. After another glance round, my housebreaker plucked the walnut doors open and rummaged inside. He found nothing there, apparently, except an extremely handsome cut-glass decanter, containing what looked like port.

He is too far-seeing. Number Fourteen will see to that." There was a hoarse murmur. "That's all right, gov'nor." And then after a moment or two: "Suppose I'm nabbed." "You will have the best legal talent to defend you," replied the German quietly. "But in any case you will wear gloves fitted with the finger-prints of a notorious housebreaker. You have little to fear."

His course had been observed by the watchman, who directed Wild which way to take. "It is Jack Sheppard, the noted housebreaker," cried Jonathan, at the top of his sonorous voice. "He has just broken out of Newgate. After him! A hundred pounds to the man who takes him." Sheppard's name operated like magic on the crowd. The cry was echoed by twenty different voices.

When I observed that a housebreaker was in general very timorous; JOHNSON. 'No wonder, Sir; he is afraid of being shot getting into a house, or hanged when he has got out of it. He told us, that he had in one day written six sheets of a translation from the French , adding, 'I should be glad to see it now. I wish that I had copies of all the pamphlets written against me, as it is said Pope had.

Yes, I will accept it when I can consent to the housebreaker who has entered my house, packed up my silver and plated ware, and then coolly says to me 'Allow me to take what I have packed up and I will select out that which is worthless and give it to you, after I have used it for a few years, provided any of it remain! "A more unprincipled set of swindlers never existed. Who is this Mr.

As the time of their death approached they seemed much more affected than formerly they had been; in which frame of mind they continued till they suffered, which was on the 12th of February, 1728, Sherwood being in his twenty-sixth year, Hughs in the twenty-third, and Weedon in the twenty-second year of his age. The Life of MARTIN BELLAMY, a Notorious Thief, Highwayman and Housebreaker

His horses are sleek and lazy and prance slowly before his state carriage; and his house-dogs sleep quietly about the door and will hardly bark at a housebreaker. His family mansion is an old castellated manor-house, gray with age, and of a most venerable though weather-beaten appearance.

"You are indifferent sharp, my dear sir, for a housebreaker. Come in. Set down those convicting boots, and don't drip pools of water in the doorway. If I must entertain a burglar, I prefer him tidy." He walked to the fire, picked up a poker, and knocked the coals into a blaze. This done, he turned round on me with the poker still in his hand. The serenest gravity sat on his large, pale features.

"And, does any of our bright blood flow in the veins of a ruffianly housebreaker?" cried Trenchard, with a look of bewilderment. "I'll not believe it." "Others may, if you won't," muttered Jack, retiring. "Thank Heaven! I'm not basely born." "Now, mark me," said Jonathan, "and you'll find I don't do things by halves.