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Six weeks hence he and his family won't have bread to eat. Marry Mademoiselle Lourdois, the daughter of the house-painter. She has three hundred thousand francs dot. I threw out that anchor to windward for you. If you will pay me a hundred thousand francs down for my practice, you may have it to-morrow."

There is nothing triumphant about their badness. Even from the point of view of this world they had better have been good. In fact, squalor is the badge of the whole tribe. Some of them, probably Elizabeth Brownrigg, for example were mad. This last-named poor creature bore sixteen children to a house-painter and plasterer, and then became a parish mid-wife, and only finally a baby-farmer.

Then he happened on a job to translate the advertisements of patent medicines which were sent broadcast to the medical profession in England. During a strike he had been employed as a house-painter. Meanwhile he had never ceased to work at his art; but, soon tiring of the studios, entirely by himself.

"A sort of superior house-painter," replied Strong. "He sometimes does glazing." "Nonsense!" said Catherine contemptuously. "I know all about him. Esther has told me. I want to know how good an artist he is. What would they think of him in Paris?" "That would depend on whether they owned any of his pictures," persisted Strong. "I think he might be worse.

Before they had finished, Marion had persuaded Richard to take his wife and her to the National Gallery, the next day but one, which, fortunately for her purpose, was Whit Monday, a day whereon Richard, who was from the north always took a holiday. At the National Gallery, the house-painter, in virtue of his craft, claimed the exercise of criticism; and his remarks were amusing enough.

But Mary's father would not consent to the marriage unless John abandoned his dangerous trade of house-painter.

He was a wandering violinist. A troop of strollers once came to the inn where I was staying, in the Department of Seine et Marne. There was a father and mother; two daughters, brazen, blowsy hussies, who sang and acted, without an idea of how to set about either; and a dark young man, like a tutor, a recalcitrant house-painter, who sang and acted not amiss.

He had seen it before, every day since he could remember; but it seemed to have a fresh and almost mournful interest for him just now. "Hullo!" he exclaimed, as he leaned against the fence. "Putting up ladders? Oh, yes, I see! That's old Tommy McGrew, the house-painter. Well, Ham's house needs a new coat as badly as I did. Sure it'll fit too. Only it ain't used to it, any more'n I am." "Dabney!"

We know too that Crome was a house-painter, and practised painting from nature when his daily work was done. Nevertheless he attained as perfect a technique as any painter that ever lived. Morland, too, was self-taught: he practised painting in the fields and farmyards and the country inns where he lived, oftentimes paying for board and lodging with a picture.

I will tell you all the history," began Paula; but Agatha interposed. "You must like having him down here. Sister must be much pleased with him. She used to like old Mr. Delrio." "Well, we have not said much about him," owned Paula. "He does not seem to wish it, or expect to be in with swells." "We could not stand his being treated like a common house-painter and upholsterer," added Vera.