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But there is neither a God nor a Devil; it is all nonsense out of nursery tales and old wives' talk. What shall I do?" "If you have a mind to sell your soul to the Devil, sir," said the house-painter, who had overheard something that the clerk let fall, "you can have the ten thousand francs." "And Euphrasia!" cried the clerk, as he struck a bargain with the devil that inhabited the house-painter.

'If this be true! my father's son gaining his bread as a house-painter! 'It is true, I whispered; 'for I saw him myself, and told Gladys. 'You saw him! you! with an air of utter incredulity. 'Yes; and I tried to speak to him. He was so like the picture in Gladys's room, I thought it must be Eric. But he would not hear me, and in a moment he was gone.

At half-past five the holder of the bond was a house-painter, who was lounging by the door of the building in the Rue Feydeau, where at that time stockbrokers temporarily congregated. The house-painter, simple fellow, could not think what was the matter with him. He "felt all anyhow"; so he told his wife when he went home.

Here Potts put an arm over the shoulder of Big Joe and urged pleadingly: "Another verse of that sweet old song, boys. I tell you that has the true heart-stuff in it now " They roared out a verse of "Auld Lang Syne," with execrable attempts at part-singing, little Dan Lefferts, a dissolute house-painter, contributing a tenor that was simply maniacal. Potts ordered more drinks.

Chester Harding, reared on the New York frontier, a typical back-woodsman, by turns a peddler, a tavern-keeper, and house-painter, and a failure at all of them, got so deeply in debt that he ran away to Pittsburgh to escape his creditors, and there, to his amazement, one day saw an itinerant painter painting a portrait. Before that, he had secured work of some sort, and his wife had joined him.

"Papa Cretu, so I always called him, was a house-painter, and the female who lived with him worked at her needle." "Then they were tolerably well off?" "Oh, as well off as most people in their station. Though not married, they called each other husband and wife. There was nowhere near a house like it always cheerful, always singing; and with all that, good and kind beyond belief!

The third was, or rather had been, a house-painter and decorator, who unfortunately possessed a tolerably fine voice, which led him gradually to abandon a good business to perform at concerts.

Poor W . In the Key Lamb identifies W with Favell, who "left Cambridge because he was asham'd of his father, who was a house-painter there." Favell has already been mentioned in the essay on "Christ's Hospital." At Lincoln. The Lambs, as we have seen, came from Lincolnshire.

Then, as if the solitude thereabouts did not suffice to reassure him, he led Pierre some distance away, through the icy, biting wind, which he himself did not seem to feel. "This is the matter," he resumed, "I have been told that a poor fellow, a former house-painter, an old man of seventy, who naturally can work no more, is dying of hunger in a hovel in the Rue des Saules.

At seven o'clock, when the shop is shut, I shall take my pleasures, go to the play, and into company. But you are not listening to me." "Yes, indeed, Monsieur Joseph. What do you think of painting? That is a fine calling." "Yes. I know a master house-painter, Monsieur Lourdois. He is well-to-do." Thus conversing, the family reached the Church of Saint-Leu.