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I 'lowed ter this Jackson, as yer call 'im, that yer'd get a bite somewhar else, en he 'lowed yer would." "All right, Nichol; I'm glad you had a good supper." "I say, Jackson, this Ma'tine's a cur'ous chap mo cur'ous than I be, I reckon. He's been actin' cur'ous ever since he seed me in the horspital. It's all cur'ous.

"Ef de day come w'en I kin stan' up en say fer sho, 'I own mysef, en God ony my Mars'r, I kin starbe ef dat He will. En dat' minds me, young mistis. IS we free? Perkins growlin' roun' agin dis mawnin', en say we he'p 'bout de horspital ter-day, but we all go ter wuk ter-morrer. I 'lowed he orter talk ter us 'bout wages en he des larf en cuss me. Wat's gwine ter be de end?

"Sure," said Tony, to Ruth, "he's jist the bye after me hear-r-t. Herself would like him, he's that doomb!" "Herself" was Tony's wife, who was the cook at Briarwood Hall. "And the way that boy do be lovin' flowers! Sure, his bed in the horspital is jest covered wid 'em. He'd be a handy lad to have here ter give me aid, so he would. An' I been tellin' Mis' Tellingham that I need another helper."

"They took up a purse an' wanted to give me a perscription damn't, but I told 'em t' turn it in t' the Horspital. Any man w'd a' done same for a yellow dog. What d'y' want t' give a fellow a medal for not bein' stinkin' coward?" Eleanor laughed. It was a happy silver laugh like the light on the Ridge cataracts.

From the farther door there entered a man, limping on crutches improvised from the limbs of a tree. Stained bandages were about one arm and another leg. His head, too, was wrapped so that only half his face showed. A hurrying orderly met him. "You can't come in here!" he cried. "Why not, I'd like to know. Ain't this the horspital?" "Of course it is." "Then why can't I come in here.

Then Uncle Moses would supply a corrected version of whatever was defective, in this case an eye not quite blind, but nearly, owing to a young nipper, no older than Dave, aiming a broken bottle at him as the orficers was conducting of him to the Station, after a fight Wandsworth way, the other party being took off to the Horspital for dead.

"I dunno," replied Jim. "He's up to the horspital now, an' the doc says he haint one chance in a thousand." "Gosh!" exclaimed Mr. Case. "But thet ain't all," continued Jim. "Reggie Paynter was murdered last night, too; right on the pike south of town. They threw his corpse outen a ottymobile." "By gol!" cried Jeb Case; "I hearn them devils go by last night 'bout midnight er after. 'T woke me up.

"Bein' troubled with my 'ead," said Mrs. Sampson, "thro' 'avin' been out in the sun all day a-washin', I did not feel so partial to my bed that night as in general, so went down to the kitching with the intent of getting a linseed poultice to put at the back of my 'ead, it being calculated to remove pain, as was told to me, when a nuss, by a doctor in the horspital, 'e now bein' in business for hisself, at Geelong, with a large family, 'avin' married early.

But Milord he found me out, and sez as how he knows it all, and would I come home? which, bein' free from horspital, I likewise does. Now, m' dear, if you will proceed with any nooz I would be much obliged to draw up a little forrader, as it were. 'Did Milord tell you about Miss Elise? said his wife, after much thought. 'She's gone and got herself engaged. 'To who? 'Captain Selwyn.

And I wish you many more like it, sir. And when Christmas comes along next time I hope you'll remember me, for I'll remember you; I've had a little child in that 'ere same horspital. God took her to Himself twelve years ago. They're good to 'em there, rich and poor all alike; and 't isn't every night I can drive 'Santa Claus's partner."