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"Well it was the day before that apinted for my Unium. The 'Ringdove' steamer was lying at Dover ready to carry us hoff. The Bridle apartmince had been hordered at Salt Hill, and subsquintly at Balong sur Mare the very table cloth was laid for the weddn brexfst in Ill Street, and the Bride's Right Reverend Huncle, the Lord Bishop of Bullocksmithy, had arrived to sellabrayt our unium.

Arthur remarked it, and asked kindly why she looked so fatigued. "I was awake all night," said Fanny, and began to blush a little. "I put out her candle, and hordered her to go to sleep and leave off readin," interposed the fond mother. "You were reading! And what was it that interested you so?" asked Pen, amused. "Oh, it's so beautiful!" said Fanny. "What?" "'Walter Lorraine," Fanny sighed out.

Walker, for which he is now in prison?" "Perfumery supplied for five years; that man used more 'air-brushes than any duke in the land, and as for eau-de-Cologne, he must have bathed himself in it. He hordered me about like a lord. He never paid me one shilling he stabbed me in my most vital part but ah! ah! never mind THAT: and I said I would be revenged, and I AM."

Arthur remarked it, and asked kindly why she looked so fatigued. "I was awake all night," said Fanny, and began to blush a little. "I put out her candle, and hordered her to go to sleep and leave off readin," interposed the fond mother. "You were reading! And what was it that interested you so?" asked Pen, amused. "Oh, it's so beautiful!" said Fanny. "What?" "Walter Lorraine," Fanny sighed out.

And she come next night a little, shabby, white-faced, rat-nosed hold thing, shiverin' an' shakin'. Five pounds she 'ad of Bough, shakin' an' shiverin'. An' he wasn't to send no more to the haddress he knew, because she wouldn't be there. Always move hout ... she says, after a fresh job! Oh, my Gawd! An' Bough, he hordered me, an' Hi 'ad to give in.

"Meanwild everythink went on very agreeable betwigst me and my defianced bride. When we came back to town I kemishnd Mr. Showery the great Hoctionear to look out for a town maushing sootable for a gent of my qualaty. "I hordered in Long Hacre, three splendid equipidges, on which my arms and my adord wife's was drawn & quartered; and I got portricks of me and her paynted by the sellabrated Mr.