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Whin th' convintion come to ordher, th' chairman says, 'La-ads, we'll open proceedin's be havin' th' Hon'rable Rube Spike, fr'm th' imperyal Territ'ry iv Okalahoma, cough up his famous song, "Pa-pa Cleveland's Teeth are filled with Goold." 'Mr.

Speaker, I protest, began th' Hon'rable Attila Sthrong, 'I protest At this a perfeck tornado iv rage broke out in th' gall'ries. Inkwells, bricks, combs, shoes, smellin' bottles, hand mirrors, fans, an' powdher puffs were hurled at th' onforchnit mimber.

Don't let your ears be scruffed by mischief-makers, boys. Let's have our city come through with a clean name! I'm going to do my part as best I can. But you've all got to do yours understand that!" He smacked his fist down into his palm. "Do you bromise me dot Karl Trimbach gets dot seat?" boomed Mr. Weisner. "The same question goes as to th' Hon'rable Danyel O'Donnell," said Adherent Mulcahy.

Ye'll see be this, me good an' thrue frinds, that th' voices fr'm th' tombs is united in wan gran' chorus f'r th' ticket ye have nommynated. I will say no more, but on a future occasion, whin I've been down in southern Injyanny, I'll tell ye what th' sages an' fathers iv th' party in th' Ancient an' Hon'rable Association iv Mound-Builders had to say about th' prisint crisis."

'I I mean we, he says, 'congratulate th' counthry on th' matchless statesmanship, on-shrinkin' courage, steady devotion to duty an' principle iv that gallant an' hon'rable leader, mesilf, he says to his sicrety. 'Take that, he says, 'an' elaborate it, he says. 'Ye'll find a ditchnry on th' shelf near the dure, he says, 'if ye don't think I've put what I give ye sthrong enough, he says.

And an hour later, when he was getting tired of romping with True, he sat down on the grass underneath an apple-tree. 'I like Nobbles to be good, he confided to True; 'but I'm 'fraid he can't be ind'pendent. He's plucky, he's afraid of nobody, and loves to give anyone a good beating; and he's quite, quite straight, so he's hon'rable, but he can't stand alone, or do things for himself.

"No, nothin' ceremonious," Abe assured him. "You drop in a 'sir' now an' again, like; an' you takes off your hat when he puts out his hand. Come along!" He drew the boy forward. Kiddie advanced. Rube took off his hat and dropped it. "This is Rube," said Abe, and to the boy he added: "This is the Right Hon'rable the Earl of St.

"Th' Hon'rable Joe Choate moved that in all future wars horses shud be fed with hay wheriver possible. Carrid. A long informal talk on th' reinthroduction iv scalpin' followed. At last th' dillygate fr'm Chiny arose an' says he: 'I'd like to know what war is. What is war annyhow? 'Th' Lord knows, we don't, says th' chairman.

Immejately afther th' prayer th' Hon'rable Clarence Gumdhrop iv Matsachoosetts offered th' suffrage bill f'r passage. 'Th' motion is out iv ordher, began th' Speaker. At this minyit a lady standin' behind th' chair dhrove a darning needle through his coat tails. 'But, continued th' Speaker, reachin' behind him with an agnized ex'pression, 'I will let it go annyhow. 'Mr.

We have, he says, 'in our mist th' Hon'rable Lafayette Hadley, whose notes, he says, 'falls as sweetly on th' ear, he says, 'as th' plunk iv hivin's rain in a bar'l, he says. 'If annywan has a hemorrhage iv anthems in this hall, it'll be Lafe Hadley, th' Guthrie batsoon, he says. 'Ye shall not, he says, 'press down upon our bleedin' brows, he says, 'this cross iv thorns, he says.