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When it appeared it was at once pronounced to be the brightest gem among histories; its author was greeted as a most wonderful man, the "unique historian", for so went the phrase "inter historicos unicus."

The account of the disposition of the remains of Cortéz, given on page 279, is the one commonly received, and contained in works of standard authority. Since this volume was placed in the hands of the printers, I have received a new number of the Apuentes Históricos, which contains another account, which is undoubtedly the true one.

This savant, whose name has become well known in Paris, is printing at Las Palmas his 'Estudios Historicos, &c., the outcome of a life's labour. Don Agustin Millares is also publishing 'La Historia de las Islas Canarias, in three volumes, each of 400 to 450 pages. I made three short excursions in Grand Canary to Telde, to the Caldera, and to Doramas, which showed me the formation of the island.

Mexico, 1853. Apuntes Historicos de Vera Cruz, p. 129. Called, in the Spanish translation, "The most holy Sacrament;" but in the English original, "The bread God." These missionary monks were on their way to Manilla and the Spanish East Indies by the road across Mexico. An historical Sketch. Truth seldom spoken of Santa Anna. Santa Anna's early Life. Causes of the Revolution.

In the Prior's cell of the Convent of Vera Cruz, we listened to a melodious voice accompanied with an harmonious instrument, we saw treasures and riches, we ate exquisite confectioneries, we breathed amber and musk, with which he had perfumed his sirups and conserves. O, that delicious Prior!" Apuntes Historicos de Vera Cruz, p. 102. Esterior Comercio de Mexico. M. M. Lerdo de Tegido.

STAHL, D. AGUSTIN. Los Indios Borinqueños. Puerto Rico, 1887. TAPIA, D. ALEJANDRO. Biblioteca histórica de Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico, 1854. TORRES, D. LUIS LLORENS. América. Estudios históricos y filológicos. Madrid y Barcelona, 1897. UBEDA Y DELGADO, D. MANUEL. Isla de Puerto Rico, Estudio histórico-geográfico. Puerto Rico, 1878.