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They sit up all night together continually, and Hindley has been borrowing money on his land, and does nothing but play and drink: I heard only a week ago it was Joseph who told me I met him at Gimmerton: "Nelly," he said, "we's hae a crowner's 'quest enow, at ahr folks'. One on 'em 's a'most getten his finger cut off wi' hauding t' other fro' stickin' hisseln loike a cawlf.

There seldom passed much talk between them: Linton learnt his lessons and spent his evenings in a small apartment they called the parlour: or else lay in bed all day: for he was constantly getting coughs, and colds, and aches, and pains of some sort. 'And I never know such a fainthearted creature, added the woman; 'nor one so careful of hisseln.

'What do I want with yours? I retorted. 'I suppose Mr. Heathcliff does not lodge at the top of the house, does he? 'Oh! it's Maister Hathecliff's ye're wanting? cried he, as if making a new discovery. 'Couldn't ye ha' said soa, at onst? un' then, I mud ha' telled ye, baht all this wark, that that's just one ye cannut see he allas keeps it locked, un' nob'dy iver mells on't but hisseln.

I believe the master would relish Earnshaw's thrashing him to a mummy, if he were not his son; and I'm certain he would be fit to turn him out of doors, if he knew half the nursing he gives hisseln. But then he won't go into danger of temptation: he never enters the parlour, and should Linton show those ways in the house where he is, he sends him up- stairs directly.

The old servant confirmed this statement, but muttered: 'I'd rayther he'd goan hisseln for t' doctor! I sud ha, taen tent o' t' maister better nor him and he warn't deead when I left, naught o' t' soart! I insisted on the funeral being respectable. Mr. Heathcliff said I might have my own way there too: only, he desired me to remember that the money for the whole affair came out of his pocket.

'How they managed together, I can't tell. I fancy he fretted a great deal, and moaned hisseln night and day; and she had precious little rest: one could guess by her white face and heavy eyes. She sometimes came into the kitchen all wildered like, and looked as if she would fain beg assistance; but I was not going to disobey the master: I never dare disobey him, Mrs.

'You shall not to-night! answered Linton decisively. 'Walk down stairs at once, and repeat to your master what I have said. Ellen, show him down. Go And, aiding the indignant elder with a lift by the arm, he rid the room of him and closed the door. 'Varrah weell! shouted Joseph, as he slowly drew off. 'To-morn, he's come hisseln, and thrust him out, if ye darr!