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Under certain conditions it has in its power the locating of schoolhouses within this general district. The board hires the teachers for all the schools within its jurisdiction, and in general manages all the schools in the same manner as the board in the district system manages its one school.

All very well in London, and that place he hires up at Marlow. He respects our home. That 's how I know my brother Rowsley still keeps a sane man. A fortune on it! and so says Mr. Eglett. Any reasonable person must think it. He made a fool of some Hampton-Evey at Madrid, if he went through any ceremony and that I doubt. He sixty; she under twenty, I'm told. Pagnell 's the name.

He exclaims, "My poor blind child, who lay nearer my heart than all I had besides, thou must be beaten, must beg, suffer hunger, cold, nakedness, and a thousand calamities, though I cannot now endure that the wind should blow upon thee. I thought this would break my heart to pieces."-ED. 11 "A hank"; a check, an influence over; obsolete.-ED. 12 "Entertains his lawyer"; hires or retains.

To pay the quit-rent and taxes the peasant hires himself to the neighboring lord to mow his corn at sixty-five cents an acre a price which falls to forty cents an acre before the harvest is completed. At the most, he can earn an average of twenty-five cents a day, for his food has been poor, his body is weak, his hands tremble, his scythe is antiquated and blunders at its work.

"He hires pages to come to him in the Park with three-cornered notes," said Fanny, "he opens each with affected nonchalance; looks full at the bearer; and cries aloud-'Tell your mistress I cannot refuse her: then canters off, with the air of a man persecuted to death!" "But did you see what an immense pair of whiskers Chester has mounted?" "Yes," answered a Mr.

"There's Ferguson, who has the department store, he's 'way up' in church circles. I saw him a couple of months ago, one Sunday morning, driving to that church on Burton Street, where all the rich folks go. I forget the name " "St. John's," he supplied. He had got beyond surprise. "St. John's that's it. They tell me he gives a lot of money to it money that he steals from the girls he hires.

"I don't know as I care about being too blame comfortable. There's a limit to that kinda thing with her!" "What's that?" called Dill, who had heard his voice. "Aw, nothing," lied Billy, swinging up. "I was just cussing my hoss." Dilly Hires a Cook.

The proprietor is one of the pillars of an up-town church, and would feel his reputation ruined, and himself disgraced, if seen behind the counter of such a concern. He hires this man to play proprietor, and keeps the place open for the benefit of those who prefer bar-rooms to churches. You see, Christians go into anything that pays well, here."

This school may be under the administration of a trustee or of a school board having the management of the school in every respect. This board determines the length of term; it hires and dismisses teachers, procures supplies and performs all the functions authorized by law. It is a case where one school board has the entire management of one small school.

Pa and the Bad Boy Visit a Buffalo Ranch Pa Pays for the Privilege of Killing a Buffalo, but Doesn't Accomplish His Purpose He Hires a Herd for the Show Next Year. This is the last week Pa and I will be in the far west looking for freaks for the wild west department of our show for next year.