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Updated: August 2, 2024

Fink he got a job to stick up bills for a new hair dye, all the way from here to Dunkirk, on the Erie Railroad. Well, he couldn't go, cos he had lots o' city posting, ye see; so he hires me to do it for ten dollars a week and expenses. The pay was good, he said, because the work was extry hard.

He agrees to repay the lender in ivory at one-half its market value. Having obtained the required sum, he hires several vessels and engages from 100 to 300 men, composed of Arabs and runaway villains from distant countries, who have found an asylum from justice in the obscurity of Khartoum.

How pleasant this answer was to Jane, it appears, because she no sooner gets out, but she runs to Goody Busie-body that hires out servants; where she makes no smal complaint of her Mistresses insulting spirit; and asks whether she knows not of a hire for her by some houskeeping Batchelor or Widower; because she understands the ordring of her work very well, is a special good Cook, and loves Children, &c.

"It was impossible to discourage them," Kennon said. "After all, when the man who hires you " "Oh entrepreneurs," Smalley said in a tone that explained everything. The car stopped in front of the Medical Center's staff entrance. "This way, sir," Smalley said.

They regard jobs as merely temporary conveniences, or inconveniences. The wise employer hires ugly women stenographers, when he cannot afford to engage men, because he knows they usually possess more brains than their lovely sisters, and because they remain longer.

What are three louis a day to a man who hires a box for first performances at the opera, to a man who gambles and gives expensive suppers, to a man who drives out with yellow-haired demoiselles, and who owns a race-horse? Measuring his purse and his ambition, M. Wilkie discovered that he should never succeed in making both ends meet. "How do other people manage?" he wondered. A puzzling question!

"How should he know anything about it? It's all a mystery to me you here, of all men in the world, and Grayson talking about you as the prisoner. I can't make it out. Quick, though, Byrne, tell me all you know about Barbara." Billy kept Grayson covered as he replied to the request of Harding. "This guy hires a bunch of Pimans to steal Miss Barbara," he said.

Brachiano is struck by this plan, and with the help of Vittoria's brother, Flamineo, he puts it at once into execution. Flamineo hires a doctor who poisons Brachiano's portrait, so that Isabella dies after kissing it. He also with his own hands twists Camillo's neck during a vaulting-match, making it appear that he came by his death accidentally.

These are some of the facts she furnished. Has not been long with her. Brought a sight of furniture, couldn't hardly get some of it up-stairs. Hasn't seemed particularly attentive to the ladies. Paid his bill the other day without saying a word about it. Paid it in gold, had a great heap of twenty-dollar pieces. Hires her best room.

When first I came you expected me to do so!" "Look here, lad! as a man gets older he comes to think more of fair play, and less of his rights: it seems to me that not your time only, but your strength as well belongs to the man who hires you; and if you weary yourself helping me, who have no claim, you cannot do so much or so good work for your master! Do you see sense in that?" "Indeed I do!

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