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When a man hires others to work for him he invites discontent; when he hires them to work with him there may be dissatisfaction, but the chances of it are lessened. A business well knit together is like any other group, an army or a football team, bound into a unit to achieve a result.

But a person cannot be sold, and he who is unwilling cannot be led away by a halter. Yonder comes Farmer Rodel and his horses, with a large colt frisking beside them. You will be put in harness soon, colt, and perhaps you, too, will be sold. A man cannot be bought he merely hires himself out. An animal for its work gets nothing more than its food and drink, while a person gets money as a reward.

"Holtzmann's? Sure! Down on the next corner." "Thank you." "Variety actor?" went on the man, curiously. "Oh, no!" I laughed. "Thought not. They're generally pretty tough the ones Chris hires." "Does he have a variety theatre?" "That's what he calls it. But it's nothing but a concert hall with jugglers and tumblers thrown in."

God hires us to do our work for Him, and pays us as we go along the only stipulation being that we do our best. "I have shown thee, O man, what is good!" declared Micah long ago. "What doth now the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, to love mercy and walk humbly with thy God!"

The prudent, penniless beginner in the world labors for wages awhile, saves a surplus with which to buy tools or land for himself, then labors on his own account another while, and at length hires another new beginner to help him.

Well, mates, Old Captain Goss wasn't the sort of man to care much about Guy Fawkeses or goblins; so he hires a room in this old house precious cheap he got it! and when he was ashore, you could see a light in it all night; and if you went near, you might listen to Old Goss singing roaring songs about the brisk boys of the Spanish main, and yelling and huzzaing to himself, and drinking what he called his five-water grog.

"Must 'a' been Fred Griggs. He hires out whenever he can get anybody to tote round." "But where does anybody go?" asked Bob, feeling that his query was not couched in the most complimentary terms, but unable to amend it quickly. The drug store owner was not critical. "Oh, folks go over to Xville," he said indifferently. "That's a new town fifteen miles back.

When a bourgeois of Boulogne takes the air, he goes in a one-horse chaise, which is here called cabriolet, and hires it for half-a-crown a day. There are also travelling chaises, which hold four persons, two seated with their faces to the horses, and two behind their backs; but those vehicles are all very ill made, and extremely inconvenient.

All our people, again, swore solemnly I had no money but paper, which I should change on my arrival at Ghat. The bandit, drawing in his horns, "Well, the Christian has a nagah." "No," said the people, "the camel belongs to us; he hires it." The bandit, giving way, "Well, the Christian has a slave, there he is," pointing to Said, "I shall have the slave."

The three instances which I have dealt with here at some length prove conclusively that there is now no penalty inflicted upon the capitalist who hires thugs to invade a community and shoot down its citizens, or upon those who hire him these assassins, or upon the assassins themselves.