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'It is you I want, replied Gladys; then, in a few words, she explained the very liberal arrangement she had in view for her old friend. After that, a little silence fell upon them, and a great wistfulness gathered in the girl's gentle eyes. 'So ye hinna been up by? said Mrs. Macintyre. 'Are ye gaun? 'Not to-day. Is Walter well? 'Ay, he is weel.

"Ay, he's richt," said the Scotchman as he watched him go. "Tom Pollard, man, I hinna prayed for years, but I am praying to-nicht. I ought to be a different man, for I ken the fundamentals of releegion, but I'm giving my heart to God to-nicht; I am for sure." Tom followed the Scotchman out of the canteen towards one of the numerous sleeping-huts.

Jess spoke so mournfully that Hendry became enraged. "It's most michty," he said, "'at ye would gang an' set yer heart on sic a completely useless thing." "I hinna set my heart on't." "Dinna blether. Ye've been speakin' aboot thae eleven and a bits to Leeby, aff an' on, for twa month."

There was no showy parading of what he felt, but only the set of the mouth was a little firmer perhaps than usual and the eyes a little softer and glistening. That was all. "Ay, Robin," she said brokenly, unable to hide her pride and weakness. "I ken a' that you hinna telt me. I guessed it years syne; but I'm sure noo.

"I would swap the drought for rain, though it comes down in a sheet as in the year twelve." "And like a sheet it'll come," replied Dow, "and the deil'll blaw it about wi' his biggest bellowses." Tosh shivered, but Whamond shook him roughly, saying "Keep your oaths to yoursel', Rob Dow, and tell me, hae you seen Mr. Dishart?" "I hinna," Rob answered curtly, preparing to drive on.

He took from his pocket a small paper notebook, and held it out interrogatively. "Na, I hinna dropped it," answered the gardener. "It micht have been some one fay the castel. I hinna been near that rose-bed for fower or five days. And it couldna hae been lying there afore the rain." Indeed, the little book showed no trace of damp on its green cover.

It was a fine nicht, but dreidfu' cauld. Juist as I was gaitherin' up the twa-three bit duds, I heard voices ower the dyke, an' I cudna but harken to see wha wud be oot at that time o' nicht. Fancy what I thocht when I heard Beek Steein's voice, that bides in Mistress Mollison's garret, sayin', "Eh, ay, Jeemie; it's an awfu' thing luve. I hinna steekit 'an e'e for twa nichts thinkin' aboot ye."

"Jock Gordon, ye lazy ne'er-do-weel, ye hinna carried in a single peat, an' it comin' on for parritch-time. D'ye think my maister can let the like o' you sorn on him, week in, week oot, like a mawk on a sheep's hurdie? Then there arose a strange elricht quavering voice the voice of those to whom has not been granted their due share of wits.

Cathro, "though I could, and I couldna though I would. It would defy the face of clay to do it, you canny lover." Now, the Dominie had frequently declined to write as he was bidden, and had suggested alterations which were invariably accepted, but to his astonishment Andrew would not give in. "I'll be stepping, then," he said coolly, "for if you hinna the knack o't I ken somebody that has."

Bandy was brocht up in Aiberdeen, you ken, an' he has whiles a gey queer wey o' speakin'. "I hinna very muckle to say, you ken," says he, "an' konsequently, I'll no' say very muckle." "Hear, hear," roared Watty Finlay.