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Gude-day wi' ye i' the noo than! Imphm! Gude-day. See an' gie's a cry in on Munanday, noo-na. Ta-ta! Sin' Friday nicht I've been gaen aboot wi' my hert an' moo fu' o' musik! Eh, hoo I did enjoy yon Gleeka Koir's singin'. I hinna heard onything like it for mony a day. D'ye ken, fine musik juist affeks me like a gude preechin' an' waur whiles. I canna help frae thinkin' aboot it.

"It's the dominie," she cried, and her brother added: "Losh, sir, you hinna the look o' a living man." "Nanny," I said, in perplexity, "what are you doing here?" "Whaur else should I be?" she asked. I pressed my hands over my eyes, crying, "Where am I?" Nanny shrank from me, but Sanders said, "Has the rain driven you gyte, man? You're in Thrums." "But the sea," I said, distrusting him.

"I heard that she had disappeared frae her place, an' that nae news o' her could be got. Is it true, mither?" "Ay, it's true, Rob," she replied. "But I hinna got ony richt waye o' it yet. Jenny's awa' owre to Rundell Hoose, an' we'll no' ken onything till she comes back. It's an awfu' business, an' will pit her faither an' mither a guid lot aboot. I wonder what'll hae ta'en her."

"They little ken!" said Tommy, darkly. "They hinna a notion," said Corp, but he was looking somewhat perplexed himself. "It's near time I was back for family exercise," said Gav, uneasily, "so we had better do it quick, Tommy." "Did you bring the wineglasses?" Tommy asked him. "No," Gav said, "the press was lockit, but I've brought egg-cups." "Stand round then."

"And so, auntie, says Gavinia, 'Yes, says she, 'I'll hae you. Those were her never-to-be-forgotten words." "You pitiful object," answered his aunt. "Men hae been married afore now without making sic a stramash." "I daursay," retorted Corp; "but they hinna married Gavinia." And this is the best known answer to the sneer of the cynic.

"I was sure you would sort her," he said, rubbing his hands, "I was sure you wasna the kind to be ashamed o' auld friends." "But what does it mean?" "She has a notion," Corp explained, growing grave again, "that it wouldna do for you to own the like o' us. 'We mauna cheapen him, she said. She wanted you to see that we hinna been cheapening you."