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"I drove him that race myself, pulled down the five hundred dollar purse, refused all their fine offers for Ben Butler, an' me an' him's been missionaryin' round here ever since." "Great hoss great!" said Bud, his eyes sparkling, "allers told you so! Think I'll get out and hug him." This he did while the Bishop sat smiling. But in the embrace Ben Butler planted a fore foot on Bud's great toe.

The imaginative and reflective organs are very large; those of calculation weak. He may make a poet or a painter, or you may make a sojor of him, though worse men than him's good enough for that but a bad merchant, a lazy lawyer, and a miserable mathematician.

"And how came ye," said he, "first to meet with Dick?" Mary pressed her lips. "Oh! very well; don't tell if it ain't right, by no manner o' means. Do ye think that Dick intends to keep ye here always?" "Me not know." "Humph! An' you say he's good to ye?" "Oh yes," cried Mary with a sudden blaze of animation on her usually placid countenance, "him's good, very good gooder to me than nobody else."

But now a culled man ain't so much better off 'bout votin' an such some places yet, ah hears dat." "Yes'em, they come an want hosses once in awhile, an they was a rarin' tarin' time atryin to catch them hosses fo they would run into the woods befo' you could get ahold of 'em. Morgan's men come fo hosses once, an ol Mars, get him's hosses, fo he were a Reb.

"He hath stolen a fortune from his master at the Three Lions and the shilling for him's mine!" "Hath stealed a fortune? Whoy, huttlety-tut!" roared the burly smith, turning ponderously upon Nick, who was dodging around him like a boy at tag around a tree. "Whoy, lad," said he, scratching his puzzled head with his great, grimy fingers, "where hast putten it?"

She's got enough strength in her body to work ten times harder, but Peg " Here Lafe stopped and looked out to the hill beyond the tracks, "but, Peggy, perhaps we c'n find her somethin' else after a while, when there ain't so much fear of her uncle. To make a long story short, Peg, danger of him's the only thing that'll keep the kid luggin' wood."

Look at Jemalee!" The Hottentot pointed with violent action to the Malay, who, with a calm and sad but dignified mien, stood listening to the small-talk of Booby, while the light of the camp-fire played fitfully on their swarthy features. "Well, what of Jemalee!" asked Considine. "You know dat him's a slave a real slave?" "Yes, I know that, poor fellow."

I say so. Vat you call. Heece nem?" "The Saucy Lass, sir." He leaned over and looked at the stern of the boat and nodded his head. "Yais, him's olright. Ze Saucilass. Come you up you come, boys. All you. Faites." This last was to one of the men, who, as we climbed over the side of the French lugger, descended into our boat, and made her fast by the painter to the stern.

Your fadder never take time to smell him's grog always toss 'im off quick." "Yes, an' then he'd toss the wine-glass into my face an' kick me round the deck afterwards, if not overboard," said Billy, with a look of contempt. "No, Zulu, I don't like your 'speriment, but you've put a notion into my head, for even when a fool speaks a wise man may learn "

"And can you tell what brought about this change?" asked Considine. "Oh ja, I knows," replied Ruyter, with a decided nod and a deep chuckle; "Jemalee him's got a powerful glitter in him's eye now and den bery powerful an' strange!" "And what may that have to do with it?" asked Considine.