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Howsomever, the highflyers does n't like him; and when he takes people's money, he need not be quite so cross about it. Attie, let me introduce a new pal to you." Paul made his bow. "Stand at ease, man!" quoth the veteran, without taking the pipe from his mouth. Eustace Fitzherbert and Mr.

Howsomever, the highflyers does n't like him; and when he takes people's money, he need not be quite so cross about it. Attie, let me introduce a new pal to you." Paul made his bow. "Stand at ease, man!" quoth the veteran, without taking the pipe from his mouth. Eustace Fitzherbert and Mr.

"They say there's a woman in the case " "Generally is with them highflyers " "I'll bet he'll make for the old country, if he can get clear he'll " "Europe's full of 'em reg'lar cesspool they say " "Any reward offered?" "The Company'll have to fork over or there'll be the biggest strike in Flamsted that the stone-cutting business has seen yet " "The papers don't say what the shortage is "

Riccabocca would tell us. "But Levy," said Avenel, candidly, "is a decentish chap in his way, friendly too. Mrs. A. finds him useful; brings some of your young highflyers to her soirees. To be sure, they don't dance, stand all in a row at the door, like mutes at a funeral. Not but what they have been uncommon civil to me lately, Spendquick particularly. By-the-by, I dine with him to-morrow.

But he remarks "that it is common for the smaller party to make up in diligence what they want in numbers. He appeals to the people as his proper judges, and if they are not inclined to condemn him, he is in little care about the highflyers at Button's." Pope did not long think Addison an impartial judge, for he considered him as the writer of Tickell's version.

Leonard has made great way with the High Yellows, and has more influence with them than I; and the High Yellows infinitely preferred Egerton to yourself. They say, 'Politics apart, he would be an honour to the borough. Leonard is of the same opinion; and if he retires, I don't think I could coax either him or the Highflyers to make you any the better by his resignation."

"You hear that, Buck?" he said, frowning across the anvil at his helper, a white man and the foreman of the pouring floor. The helper nodded, being a man of as few words as the master. "Well, I reckon we-all hain't got any call to stand by and see them highflyers ride it roughshod over Major Dabney thataway," said Gordon briefly. "Go down to the shanties and hustle out the day shift.

I feel no tendency to latitudinarianism, but only to see much good in systems unrecognised by your very highflyers.

Leonard has made great way with the High Yellows, and has more influence with them than I; and the High Yellows infinitely preferred Egerton to yourself. They say, 'Politics apart, he would be an honour to the borough. Leonard is of the same opinion; and if he retires, I don't think I could coax either him or the Highflyers to make you any the better by his resignation."

Riccabocca would tell us. "But Levy," said Avenel, candidly, "is a decentish chap in his way, friendly too. Mrs. A. finds him useful; brings some of your young highflyers to her soirees. To be sure, they don't dance, stand all in a row at the door, like mutes at a funeral. Not but what they have been uncommon civil to me lately, Spendquick particularly. By-the-by, I dine with him to-morrow.