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Percival dropped into one of the chairs. "I'm Scotch enough to want a Scotch high-ball." "And you're getting it so high it's top-heavy," cautioned Mrs. Drelmer. Above the chatter of the table could be heard the voices of men and the musical laughter of women from the other rooms. "I simply can't get 'em together," said the hostess.

It is the thing to take a "high-ball" after every nine holes in golf. Then after the game you bathe, and sit and drink as many as your skin will hold. I got this from a professional golf-teacher in charge of the links, and hence it is official.

He even smiled a faint smile. "I thought I had fixed you, he said. You must have been smarter than I took you for. I never supposed you would get on to that drink and pass it up." Understanding of an incident which had perplexed him came to Jimmy. "Was it you who put that high-ball in my room? Was it doped?" "Didn't you know?"

Bein' it's four o'clock in the mornin', the tenderfoot seems amazed at sech activities as faro-bank, an' high-ball, said devices bein' in full career; to say nothin' of the Dance Hall, which 'Temple of Mirth, as Hamilton who is proprietor tharof names it, is whoopin' it up across the street. "'Ain't you open rather late? says the shorthorn. His tones is apol'getic an' no offence is took.

We slowed up and let dad run ahead, and he got to the hotel first, and we paid off the villains, and finally we went in the hotel and found dad in the bar-room puffing and drinking a high-ball. "Pretty near hell, wasn't it," said dad, to the soap man. "Did the lions catch anybody?" "O, a few of the lower classes," said the soap man, "but none of the nobility.

But, inside the club itself, the Kentuckian found himself in such luxurious comfort as he could not, in his own mind, reconcile with the idea of "going hunting." He would be glad when the cushioned chairs of the raftered lounging- room and the tinkle of high-ball ice and gossip were exchanged for the salt air and the blinds.

At parting they had solemnly and severally kissed one another. Eleanor lay awake in the dark for a long time that night softly rubbing the cheek that had been so caressed, and rejoicing that the drink Uncle Jimmie had called a high-ball and had pledged their health with so assiduously, had come out of two glasses instead of a bottle.

Monty, that wedding'll be postponed, and old Van Cleft won't worry over dispossess papers for his tenants for the rest of the winter. See?" "Killed?" "Correct. He's done, and I had a hell of a time getting the body home, before the coroner and the police reporters got on the trail." Shirley lowered his high-ball glass, with an earnest stare. "What was the idea?" "Robbery, of course.

One of your Japanese melodies? How you call? railroad song. So call in my countree. Like train. It go so-o-o; that mean whistle; train start. Then go so-o-o; that mean train go. Go like that. Vera nice song in my countree. Children song. PARAMORE: It sounded very nice. TANA: I fix high-ball for gentleman? PARAMORE: "No, thanks.

Everybody'd been so good to her, she said, and she weren't able to turn a hand for her part, and so forth, and we was all kind of pleasantly miserable for a while, till Jim sings out, 'Here, this ain't no weddin' hilarity guide right to the bar! "There we all lined up, Charlie High-ball and all. "'What'll you have, sir? says Jim, askin' the minister first out of manners.