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"My Lord," said Roy in answer, "none of my enemies will allege that I have been a bloodthirsty man, and were I now wi' my folk, I could rule four or five hundred wild Hielanders as easy as your Grace those eight or ten lackeys and foot-boys But if your Grace is bent to take the head away from a house, ye may lay your account there will be misrule amang the members.

I'll maybe ha'e to hurt ye in a meenute. . . . N' for it! He lifted up his voice. 'Hullo, Glesca Hielanders! It seemed an age until 'Right oh! came a cheerful response. 'Hurray! yelled Willie, and rose stiffly to his feet. Then with a final effort, he gave Macgregor the 'fireman's lift, and staggered and stumbled, amid shots from the other side, into safety.

"He'll no get mony Hielanders then, Robin," said Mr. Jarvie, as, again replacing his spectacles on his nose, he undid the rouleau, and began to count its contents. "Nor Lowlanders neither," said MacGregor, arching his eyebrow, and, as he looked at me, directing a glance towards Mr.

With these words Mr. Purdie placed five notes in his astonished nephew's hand and bade him begone. 'Ye maun tell yer mither instanter. I canna understan' what way ye didna tell her first. 'I I was feart I wud maybe be ower wee for the Glesca Hielanders, Macgregor explained. 'Ye seem to me to be a heid taller since yesterday. Weel, weel. God bless ye an' so forth.

There's marble and slate quarries, and there was word o' coal in Benbecula. And there's the iron mines at Ranna. 'Where's that? I asked. 'Up forenent Skye. We call in there, and generally bide a bit. There's a heap of cargo for Ranna, and we usually get a good load back. But as I tell ye, there's few Hielanders working there. Mostly Irish and lads frae Fife and Falkirk way.

Andrews or Stirling, as may seem fittest; while we leave old Seneschal Peter to keep the castle gates shut. If the Hielanders come, they'll find the nut too hard for them to crack, and the kernel gone, so you'd best burn no more daylight, maidens, but busk ye, as women will. 'Oh, Jamie, to speak so lightly of parting! sighed Eleanor.

I was wearin' kilt, glengarry, and all the costume for the swab germ' corporal o' Hielanders in "She's Ma Daisy." D'ye mind the song? Then ye'll ken hoo I lookit, oot there on the Embankment, wi' the lichts shinin' doon on me and a', and me dancin' aroond in a fever o' impatience to be off! At once a crowd was aroond me where those London crowds spring frae I've ne'er been able to guess.

The noise of English groans and Irish jeers and Scottish applause was so great that much of the effusion was lost, but in the intervals of the uproar could be caught such snatches as, "Who iss it that hass won efery great pattle in the last century? Ta Hielanders!" "Who won ta pattle of Palacklafa? Ta Hielanders!" "Who stormed ta heights of Awlma? Ta Hielanders!"

"Who ever said that a Hielanman was easy to beat?" here cannily put in Glasgow: "not that I altogether allow Cyrus, or Wallace, or Bruce to ha' bin Hielanders; though I won't say that they didna' speak Gaelic: but fac's are ill to argue down, and the real fac' o' this matter is, M'Nab, that here Lowlander and Hielander are a' alike English, and it is not our duty alane, but our interest, to foregoe all thae hame prejudices, that have wrought us harm enough, and lang enough, without importing them here, to be left as an evil legacy to our children to keep them as strangers to ane anither."

And one day the Englishman put up a great joke on some of the Scots, and did get a little proof of that pet idea of theirs, for the Scots were slow to see the joke. Ah, weel, that was enough! For days the English rang the changes on that joke, teasing the Hielanders and making sport of them.