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This delights Billy, while 'Doby keeps trackin' 'round the room too tickled to set down. All he can remark an' he does it frequent, like it tells the entire story is: "'Billy, ain't he hell? "An' Billy ain't none back'ard admittin' he is, an' allows on hesitatin' it's the hunkiest baby in Arizona.

"'An' ye wouldn't be willin' to give up Africy, sez I, 'fer a poor parish like Glendow, if thar was no clergyman here? "'No, sez he, in a hesitatin' way, fer he didn't seem to know what I was a drivin' at. "'Exactly so, Mr.

Followin' him up is a tall, willowy, black-eyed young woman in a giddy Longchamps creation direct from Canal-st. She's pleadin' earnest that Bloom mustn't forget he's talkin' to a lady. Behind her is a husky, red-haired young gent with his fingers bunched menacin'; while just below, hesitatin' whether to push through the hostilities or beat it back to the street, is Elisha P. Bayne, Esq.

Hicks," says he, hesitatin' like, "I find it a good rule in this country not to overlook other folks' plays, but I'd take it mighty kind if you'd explain those actions of yours with the pails of water." "Mr. Jones," says I, "it's very simple. I built that shack five year ago, and it's never rained since. I just wanted to settle in my mind whether or not that damn roof leaked."

He'd come out of the bond room one Saturday about closin' time and tip-toed hesitatin' up to where Piddie and I was havin' a little confab on some important business matter such as whether the Corrugated ought to stand for the new demands of the window cleaners, or cut the contract to twice a month instead of once a week. Mr.

"I I can't do that, just yet," says he, sort of hesitatin'. "You see, he hasn't seen me for twelve years, and since then I have er well, I've been slipping backward. He doesn't know what a failure I've made of life, and if I gave up here and went on to him why " "I'm on," says I. "He'd spot you for one of the down-and-outers. But you do get it rubbed in here good and plenty, don't you?"

I seen him put Lefty Blandin' out. He starts for his guns, an' then kind of stops, trickin' the other guy into goin' for his. Then, before the other guy can get his gun to workin', Harlan's stickin' his away, an' the guy's ready for the mourners. "Harlan got his handle that way. He goes for his guns so slow an' hesitatin' that he seems to drag 'em out. But some way he's always shootin' first.

I wuz jest hesitatin' between a ivory bodkin with a butterfly head and a ivory hook with a posy on the handle, when I hearn the voice of my pardner, seemin'ly makin' a trade with somebody, and I turned a little corner and there I see him stand tryin' to beat down a man from Tibet, or so a bystander told me he wuz, a queer lookin' creeter, but he understood a few English words, and Josiah wuz buyin' sunthin' as I could see, but looked dretful meachin and tried to conceal his purchase as he ketched my eye.

"Ye-e-es," says she hesitatin'; "that is, I s'pose we have. We ain't made up our minds exactly." "We?" says I, gazin' around. "Mr. Leavitt is behind the tent there, as usual," says she, "and he My land! I guess it's jest as well he is," she gasps, as a limousine rolls up to the front of the canopy, a liveried footman hops off the driver's seat, whisks open the door, and helps unload Mrs.

"I only su'gest this turn-up with Curly Bill to 'lustrate that it's about as I says, an' that while Slim Jim's reluctant an' hesitatin' in the presence of wild steers, an' can't adhere to a pony much, this yere girlishness don't extend to men none; which last he faces prompt an' willin' as a lion.