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What shifting and rearranging her arrival might necessitate was a thing to which I should accommodate myself before the household settled down to sleep. Already I might have caused inconvenience by my disappearance. As I drew near the house, the cracks of the shutters still held threads of light. At the threshold of the room where I had left Weighborne I hesitantly knocked.

I wish you'd tell me why you're surprised that I should be clever, though you were quite cairtain that he would have chosen a good-looking gairl?" Mrs. Yaverland explained hesitantly, delicately. "Richard has tried to fall in love before, you know. And he has always chosen such stupid women."

His pretended absorption in a document that their own news showed held only the one item of interest couldn't mislead his Clan Mother and his sponsor. "Ka'ruchaya . . ." Hovan said hesitantly. "I know, ruesten. The Lords burden him beyond what most are asked to endure." "Even more than you know, Ka'ruchaya, and it troubles me.

She wanted to throw herself upon her father's broad shielding breast and sob out her joy. But she couldn't do that so she stood hesitantly, her lips quivering. "I air wantin' to be hugged in yer arms, Daddy Skinner," she told him. "Tell yer brat ye love her awful much."

You will say nothing, not a word, of my having been here to-night. Do you understand, Jason?" "Yes, sir," said Jason; then hesitantly: "Would you mind saying, sir, when you came in?" "It's of no consequence, Jason is it?" "No, sir," said Jason. Jimmie Dale smiled in the darkness. "Jason!" "Yes, sir." "I wish you to remain where you are, without leaving that chair, for the next ten minutes."

In an oppressive silence the clerk began to call the roll. "Allan." A raw-boned farmer from one of the coast counties rose and answered "Hardy." "Anderson." In broken English a fat Swede shouted, "Harty." "Ashton." "Hardy." The word fell hesitantly from dry lips.

Conboy asked, hand stayed hesitantly to take the purse. "I've got an appointment with Judge Thayer to look at a piece of land in the morning," Morgan returned. "Well, keep out enough to buy a gun, two of 'em if you're a double-handed man," Conboy counseled. "I've got what I need," said Morgan, putting the purse in Conboy's hand.

Bobby was about to turn into his own room to absorb his humiliation in secret when Applerod hesitantly stopped him. "Another thing, sir," he said. "Mr. Frank L. Sharpe called up early this morning to know when he would find you in, and I took the liberty of telling him that you would very likely be here at ten o'clock." Bobby frowned slightly at the mention of that name.

Young gen'lems dey jest got to have pie. You jest come long with dis yeh ol' nigger." There were tears in my eyes when I saw the great pie that the old African had baked. I urged him to share it with me, and though for a time he refused, at last he hesitantly consented. "Ah dunno," he remarked, "Ah dunno as Ah had ought to.

They rode along single file in the narrow trail until they emerged into the open. Then Banneker's horse moved forward, neck and neck with the other. Miss Van Arsdale reined down her uneasy roan. "Ban." "Yes?" "Have you ever seen anything like her before?" "Only on the stage." She smiled. "What do you think of her?" "I hardly know how to express it," he answered frankly, though hesitantly.