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Mought I be so bold, in a silly, mountaneous sort of a way, as to ax for another heerin' of it?" "Do you mean to insult me, Sir?" shouted the visitor, leaping up with a flaming face, and throwing himself into an attitude of attack. "Stranger, I mought," answered Mr. Gundry, standing squarely before him, and keeping his hands contemptuously behind his back "I mought so do, barrin' one little point.

Ye wad hae thocht him a cornel at the sma'est, an' me a wheen heerin' guts. But it wad hae garred ye lauch, my lord, to see hoo the body ran whan my blin' gran'father he canna bide onybody interferin' wi' me made at him wi' his braid swoord!" "Ye leein' rascal!" cried Bykes; " me feared at an auld spidder, 'at hasna breath eneuch to fill the bag o' 's pipes!" "Caw canny, Johnny Bykes.

You see, I heerd her an' Wambush a-talkin' on the back porch when I went out thar to draw up a bucket o' water. The rope had got tangled somehow, an' I had to fix it, an' while I was doin' of it I couldn't help heerin' what they said, beca'se Toot wus as mad as a wet hen, an' didn't keer a dern who heerd 'im." "Mad at her?" ejaculated Westerfelt.

"I gang weet to the skin mony a day frae mornin' till nicht, and mony a nicht frae nicht till mornin' at the heerin' fishin', ye ken, my leddy."

Having been duly ushered into the "best room," he embellished for her benefit the story already told to the husband. "I think I kin 'commodate yeou," she broke forth, "but yeou'll have to pay putty well for't. Laws me, I'm told and I've ways o' heerin' 'bout these things that the deetecters are jest as likely as not to come a-swoopin' deown enny minnit.

Y'ur dads an' th' rest sent me in tew git a load of camp-supplies flour, bacon, sugar, coffee an' sech like things tew eat, 'long with some diggin' tools an' extra clothin'. Got in a leetle afore noon; an', heerin' thar was a murder trial on in th' hoss-market, I hit th' trail for th' market tew once, bein' some anxious tew see who was a-goin' tew have their necks stretched.

Thess ez soon ez he could git a heerin', why, he says, says he: "I don't want anybody to think thet I'm a-tryin' to take any advantage. I don't expec' to gradj'ate without passin' my examination. An', mo' 'n that," says he, "I am ready to pass it now."

"That's the best on't, gal; he's took an' tacked beautiful; he went into port at Lexin'ton yesterday, and heerin' there all sides o' the story, an' how them critters sot up for to thieve away our stores, he got kinder riled at the hull crew, like a common-sense feller, an' when Pitcairn come along, George finally struck his colors, run up a new un to the mast-head, borrered a musket, an' jined the milishy, an' got shot by them cussed reg'lars fur his pains; an ef he doos die, I'll hev a figger cut on a stun myself, to tell folks he was a rebel and an honest man arter all."