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Still she looked first to see that old King Atle had again become a pile of stones. Tönne and Jofrid lived happily for many years. They earned a good reputation. "They are good," people said. "See how they stand by one another, see how they work together, see how one cannot live apart from the other!" Tönne grew stronger, more enduring and less heavy-witted every day.

Were you other than a heavy-witted and thick-skinned Briton, you would have known that I was goading you into issuing a challenge. This piece of information is my wedding present; it is all I can give, because, metaphorically speaking, I haven't a sou! I am, as you see, domiciled in Brussels, where my car is attached by an unsympathetic hotel proprietor.

"Oh, for Heaven's sake don't look at my hair. A most awful fate has befallen it. Yesterday I heard from Cotteaux that you intended leaving soon, so I settled to come down here this morning, and thought it would be as well to disguise myself; one never knows, one can sometimes get such a lot of fun out of those heavy-witted, pudding-eating police.

We, in our dry atmosphere, are getting too nervous, haggard, dyspeptic, extenuated, unsubstantial, theoretic, and need to be made grosser. John Bull, on the other hand, has grown bulbous, long-bodied, short-legged, heavy-witted, material, and, in a word, too intensely English. In a few more centuries he will be the earthliest creature that ever the earth saw.

"Dear, I'd bring Alan back to you if I could. Don't you believe that?" "Oh, yes!" "With all your heart?" "With all my heart, Teddy." "Then " He stopped and took her hand. "Doris!" ... He straightened up sharply. The door was opening. The servant announced "Mr. Bullard." It was an awkward enough situation, but neither the girl nor the young man was heavy-witted.

"Our names will go down with Montgolfier's." "With Rothschild's, I hope." "No, no, Brown; you take too material a view," cried the inventor, raising his gleaming eyes from the machine to his companion. "Our fortunes are a mere detail. Money is a thing which every heavy-witted plutocrat in the country shares with us. My hopes rise to something higher than that.

There was something intensely magical in the ease and cheapness with which he acquired the reputation of being a "connoisseur of art." Neither knowledge nor appreciation were required; with the expenditure of a few hundred thousand dollars he instantaneously transformed himself from a heavy-witted, uncultured money hoarder into the character of a surpassing "judge and patron of art."

And so Helena the princess, Leaning against the soft cushions of her gilded barge, had sighed for the days of the old-time British valor and freedom, and, even as she looked off toward the approaching triareme, she was wondering how she could awake to thoughts of British glory her rather heavy-witted father, Coel the King an hereditary prince of that ancient Britain in which he was now, alas, but a tributary prince of the all too powerful Rome.

At least they would not call themselves my friends while they ill-used me. Heavy-witted churls, laugh if you want to! Laugh till you burst!" She whirled away from them into her booth, and the door-curtain fell behind her. All day long she sat there, neither eating nor speaking, Editha crouching in a corner, afraid to approach her.

"And, you see, it's all very well; but, as I asked you once before, how are you going to get me there? It's a long way, and I'm ten stone, if I'm an ounce!" "Heavy-witted youth, it is not your body that will taste perennial bliss." "And what's to become of that, then?" he asked, anxiously. "That will be left here, clasped to this stone, itself as cold and lifeless."