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And you only escape this punishment because the deceit you have been practising on me is, to my thinking, not of your own invention, but that of some crafty monk who is making you his instrument. Editha, terrified and weeping, hurriedly quitted the room.

Editha, moved by unreasoning instinct, determined to see the Quakeress again, also the man who now lay dead, hoping that from him mayhap she might glean the real solution of that mystery which sooner or later would undoubtedly drive her mad. Running rapidly past horse and rider, for she would not speak to Marmaduke, she reached the cottage soon enough.

But one of the seamen on the shore told me it was his belief that it is the ship of Gilli of Trond-hjem." The house-wife's keys clashed and clattered with her motion of surprise. "Gilli of Trondhjem! Then he has come to take Helga!" Editha nervously clasped and unclasped her hands. "I got afraid it might be so." "Afraid, you simpleton?"

On the advent of Lady Sue Aldmarshe into his bachelor establishment he called on his sister-in-law for the part of duenna. At one time the fair Editha had exercised her undoubted charms over Marmaduke's violent nature, but latterly she had become a mere butt for his outbursts of rage. But now to her astonishment, and in response to her petulant reproach, his fury seemed to fall away from him.

Sir Marmaduke and Editha de Chavasse watched her keenly, as with a bold stroke of the pen she wrote her name across the receipt. "Now the papers, please, master," said Lady Sue peremptorily. But the prudent lawyer had still a word of protest to enter here.

I came to tell Editha, but I hadn't got round to it." She saw him again for a moment at the capital, in the station, just before the train started southward with his regiment. He looked well, in his uniform, and very soldierly, but somehow girlish, too, with his clean-shaven face and slim figure.

He had indeed great difficulty in persuading Dame Editha that he was old enough to share in the fatigues of so great an expedition, but he had Father Francis on his side; and between the influence of her confessor, and the importunities of her son, the opposition of the good lady fell to the ground. Cuthbert was already, for his age, well trained to arms.

Editha saw now where George's irony came from. "It was not to be read before unless until I told him so," she faltered. "Of course, he wouldn't read a letter of yours, under the circumstances, till he thought you wanted him to. Been sick?" the woman abruptly demanded. "Very sick," Editha said, with self-pity. "Daughter's life," her father interposed, "was almost despaired of, at one time." Mrs.

He seemed vastly amused at her terror, and boldly took the hand with which she had arrested his act of total revelation. "Nay! do you recognize your humble servant at last, fair Editha?" he queried. "On my honor, madam, Lady Sue is deeply enamored of me. What think you of my chances now?" "You?

"Is he married, or celibate? For that is a question which even his own men seem to answer equivocally." "Why, all the wandering minstrels have songs, I am told by those who comprehend this poor barbarous tongue, of the beauty of Editha pulchra, to whom it is said the Earl is betrothed, or it may be worse.