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"Because we are having a remarkably smooth sea and a favorable wind." "Oh, but you forget the fog. There's quite a bit of fog about us now, isn't there." I wish I could describe the Heathcroft manner of saying "Isn't there." I can't, however; there is no use trying. "It will amount to nothing," I answered. "The glass is high and there is no indication of bad weather.

There was a curious expression on his face. I was surprised to see him so cordial to Heathcroft; I knew he did not like Lady Carey's nephew. The second and final round of the tournament began. For six holes Heathcroft and I broke even. The seventh he won, making us square for the match so far and, with an equal number of strokes. The eighth we halved. All depended on the ninth.

He favored us with his company during our first day afloat; after that we saw him amid the select group at that much sought by some center of shipboard prominence, "the Captain's table." Oddly enough Hephzibah did not resent the Heathcroft condescension and single eyeglass as much as I had expected. She explained her feeling in this way.

Several of our fellow-passengers spoke to us that evening for the first time. A. Carleton Heathcroft, Esquire, was not among the Lounge habitues; the smoke-room was his accustomed haunt.

Heathcroft evidently had not told her of the Warwickshire heiress. "I don't understand," I said, trying my hardest to speak calmly. "What reasons?" "Must I tell you? Did you OBJECT to my friendship with Doctor Bayliss, pray?" "Doctor Bayliss! Why, Doctor Bayliss is quite different. He is a fine young fellow, and " "Yes," with scornful sarcasm, "so it would appear.

It only remains for me to say that if as I have heard your lordship intends to make Mr Gabriel rector of Heathcroft, I trust he will be as earnest and devout there as he has been in Beorminster. 'I have not yet decided how to fill up the vacancy, said the bishop, coldly, 'and let me remind you, Mr Cargrim, that as yet the present rector of Heathcroft still holds the living.

Bayliss, to whom the remark was addressed, made no answer. I judged that he did not care for the honor of the Heathcroft company. But Frances, after a glance in his direction, answered for him. "Oh, not in the least," she said. "A foursome is ever so much more sporting than a threesome. Mr. Heathcroft, you and I will play Doctor Bayliss and Uncle. Shall we?"

"Didn't know you had a niece, Knowles. She wasn't with you on the ship, now was she." "Miss Morley had been living in England here and on the Continent," I answered. I could have kicked Bayliss for his officious explanation of kinship. Now I should have that ridiculous "uncle" business to contend with, in our acquaintance with Heathcroft as with the Baylisses and the rest.

Nevertheless, to allow his better nature some small opportunity of exercise, Cargrim determined to afford the bishop one chance of escape. The visit to The Derby Winner had given him at once a weapon and a piece of information. The rector of Heathcroft was dying, so in the nature of things it was probable that the living would soon be vacant.

"We humans ARE animals, after all, I suppose, and some like one kind of food and some another. Donkeys like hay and pigs like sweets, and I don't know as I hadn't just as soon live in a stable as a sty. Do help yourself to the cake, Mr. Heathcroft."