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The more I took the better she would like it; she could spare about a gale and a quarter and not feel What did she call it? Oh yes, 'scrimped. What is 'scrimped, may I ask?" I explained the meaning of "scrimped." Heathcroft was much amused. "It WAS blowing a bit strong up forward there," he declared. "That was a clever way of putting it, wasn't it?" "She is a clever woman," I said, shortly.

'Young Mr Pendle is engaged to marry you, ain't he? and he's goin' to hev the livin' of Heathcroft, ain't he? and old Leigh's a-dyin' fast, ain't he? 'Go on, father, you've done it now, said Bell, resignedly, and sat down. Cargrim was almost too surprised to speak. The rector of Heathcroft dying; Gabriel engaged to marry this common woman.

I turned and there, immaculate, serene and debonair as ever, was A. Carleton Heathcroft. "Ah, Knowles," he said, cheerfully. "Thought it was you. Haven't seen you of late. Missed you at Burgleston, on the course. How are you?" I told him I was quite well, and inquired concerning his own health. "Topping," he replied. "Rotten weather, eh what? And how's Miss Oh, dear me, always forget the name!

I might have relieved my relative's mind by assuring her that all actresses were not necessarily attired as "merry villagers," but the probable result of my assurance seemed scarcely worth the effort. A. Carleton Heathcroft, Esquire, was not acquainted with the stage, in a professional way, at any rate.

You did speak with him." "Yes, I did." "You did! You admit it!" "I admit it. But did he tell you what I said?" "He did not. Mr. Heathcroft IS a gentleman. He told me very little and that only in answer to my questions. I knew you and he met the other day. You did not mention it, but you were seen together, and when he did not come for the ride to which he had invited me I thought it strange.

And she idolized her father's memory. No, she would not remain under any such conditions I knew it. And the certainty of that knowledge brought with it a pang which I could not analyze. A man of my age and temperament should not have such feelings. Hephzy did not fancy Heathcroft.

'I have just heard bad news, said Gabriel, pausing before them. 'Old Mr Leigh is dying. 'What! the rector of Heathcroft? I don't call that bad news, old boy, seeing that his death gives you your step. 'George! cried Mab and Gabriel in a breath, 'how can you? 'Well, Leigh is old and ripe enough to die, isn't he? said the incorrigible George.

Well! well! two secrets are better than one, and if I gain a knowledge of them both, I may inhabit Heathcroft Rectory sooner than I expect. Cargrim's meditations were here cut short by the falling of heavy drops of rain, and he put all his mind into his muscles to travel the faster. Indeed, he almost ran through the new town, and was soon out on the country road which conducted to the palace.

"Her leaving had nothing to do with Heathcroft or with you. I doubt if she thought of either of you at all." It was a brutal speech, and he took it like a man. I saw him turn pale and bite his lips, but when he next spoke it was in a calmer tone. "I'm sorry," he said. "I was a silly ass even to think such a thing. But but you see, Knowles, I I this means so much to me. I'm sorry, though.

I told Hephzy of my experience when I joined her in the Lounge. My attempts to say "Really" and "Isn't it" and "Rather" in the Heathcroft manner and with the Heathcroft accent pleased her very much. As to the result of my unpremeditated "tip" she was quite indifferent. "If he loses it will serve him good and right," she declared. "Gamblin's poor business and I sha'n't care if he does lose."