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Jewel waited a minute and then, seeing that her cousin was absorbed, she laid down the Quarterly and took up her doll and sat still, watching the pretty profile, undisturbed by doubts as to what her cousin might think of the book she held, and full of utter confidence that He who healeth all our diseases would minister to her through its pages.

And in this world He was, and into this world He came to save sinners, unto whom my soul confesseth, and He healeth it, for it hath sinned against Him. O ye sons of men, how long so slow of heart? Even now, after the descent of Life to you, will ye not ascend and live? But whither ascend ye, when ye are on high, and set your mouth against the heavens?

Then arose the provisioneress and tightening her girdle set the table by the fountain and put the flowers and sweet herbs in their jars, and strained the wine and ranged the flasks in row and made ready every requisite. "Drink the dear draught, drink free and fain * What healeth every grief and pain." He took the cup in his hand and, louting low, returned his best thanks and improvised:

"Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night showeth knowledge." And the women in their turn took up the chant, and from their grateful breasts rose clear and strong the Psalm of David: "Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name. "Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits. "Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases.

This man was a reader of books, Greek, Persian, Roman, Arabian, and Syrian; and he was skilled in astronomy and in leechcraft, the theorick as well as the practick; he was experienced in all that healeth and that hurteth the body; conversant with the virtues of every plant, grass and herb, and their benefit and bane; and he understood philosophy and had compassed the whole range of medical science and other branches of the knowledge tree.

He that speaketh comfortable words to mourners, Healeth his own heart: In his time of grief they will return to remembrance, God will use them for balm. He that careth for the sick and wounded, Watcheth not alone: There are three in the darkness together, And the third is the Lord. Blessed is the way of the helpers: The companions of the Christ.

"'Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: "'Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases; "'Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with loving kindness and tender mercies. "'Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's." Never was there a grace so full of grace before.

Having become convinced that God and God alone "forgiveth all iniquities and healeth all diseases," he had declared that he would never again diagnose a case in accord with the laws of materia medica, write another medical prescription, or deal out ineffectual drugs. Neither did he, as yet, feel that he was prepared to announce himself a Christian Science practitioner.

Over its door were written these words: The Church of God the Pillar and Ground of the Truth. Over the pulpit this motto hangs: "Behold how good and how pleasant for brethren to dwell together in unity." To the left on the wall are these words: "Who forgiveth all our iniquities and healeth all our diseases." Harry Benton was a successful business man, there was no question about that.

Indeed, if your eyes be really opened, and your heart truly softened, "hungering and thirsting after righteousness," rising in your ideas of true holiness, and proving the genuineness of your hope by desiring "to purify yourself even as God is pure;" you will become daily more and more sensible of your own defeats, and wants, and weaknesses; and more and more impressed by a sense of the mercy and long suffering of that gracious Saviour, "who forgiveth all your sin, and healeth all your infirmities."