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Stoddard's, so completely was she won by her tower-like strength. "You know, Mrs. Stoddard," she said earnestly, "that I want to be told at once, if if there is any change." "I know, child," the older woman replied, with a faraway look. "We are in the Lord's hands. He taketh the young in their might, and He healeth them that are nigh unto death. We can only wait His will."

When the King looked upon him, he seated him by his side and said to him, "By Allah, O my son, an thou be not an astrologer, venture not thy life nor comply with my condition; for I have bound myself that whoso goeth in to my daughter and healeth her not of that which hath befallen her I will strike off his head; but whoso healeth her him I will marry to her.

In all things blessed be God, Who scourgeth us, and also healeth our stripes, for though we lost above an hundred florins by the drowning of the horses, yet did the good Lord save us and our country from the army of the Duke of Burgundy, who was laying siege to Deventer; for after the Feast of St. Matthew peace and concord were restored between the Duke and the cities and people of this land.

Third, It is called 'the water of life, because it healeth the soul of all its spiritual infirmities and diseases, wherewith by reason of the remainders of sin, the creature is most sadly annoyed and infected. Mark, it is water, water of life, pure water of life, and clear as crystal. These words, 'pure' and 'clear, and that as 'crystal, they are added upon a double account.

A note it is which is not only fundamental but most musical, harmonious and gladdening. In the ancient Psalms we hear it oft "Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me bless his holy name, who forgiveth all thine iniquities, who healeth all thy diseases." It recurs in the prophets: "I, the Lord, am he that blotteth out thy sins; yea, tho they be as a thick cloud, I will blot them out."

In Deuteronomy we read, 'And the Lord will take away from thee all sickness. Again, we are told what the penalty is for not calling upon Him 'Asa died because he sought the physicians and not unto God. David tells us, 'It is God who healeth all our diseases, and there are many more passages I could quote to prove the point."

It was the last day of the month, and as he now and then raised his eyes to his mother's face, he saw her lips follow the glorious responses in those psalms of praise, and a glistening in her lifted eyes such as he could never forget. "He healeth those that are broken in heart, and giveth medicine to heal their sickness." "He telleth the number of the stars, and calleth them all by their names."

O thou Cat, thy two eyes are the Eye of the Lord of the Khut uraeus, who illumineth the Two Lands with his Eye, and illumineth the face on the path of darkness. O thou Cat, thy heart is the heart of the god Ptah, who healeth thy heart of the evil poison which is in all thy limbs.

If healing is right for the patient, it will certainly be granted; but for some ailing persons, healing would only be the cause of other ills, and therefore wisdom doth not permit an affirmative answer to the prayer. O handmaid of God! The power of the Holy Spirit healeth both physical and spiritual ailments. O handmaid of God!

Then said the queen, "Margrave Rudeger, none that knew my bitter woe would counsel me to wed another man, for I lost one of the best that ever woman had." "What comforteth more in grief," said the bold man, "than true love? He that chooseth to his heart's desire findeth that naught healeth sorrow like love.