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The man remained out of town so long, that his letter-box became choked, and no more letters could be got into it, and they began to be left at the lodge and to accumulate there. At last the head-porter decided, on conference with the steward, to use his master-key and look into the chambers, and give them the benefit of a whiff of air. He went into lodgings immediately. Third.

Francis, with some idea of what was coming, obeyed an imaginary summons from the head-porter, touched Andrew Wilmore upon the shoulder, and hastened without a backward glance through the swing-doors. Wilmore turned up his coat-collar and looked doubtfully up at the rain. "I say, old chap," he protested, "you don't really mean to walk?"

"Quite dead! A ghastly business!" Francis gazed at the hole in the shirt-front, disfigured also by a scorching stain. "A bullet?" he asked. The doctor nodded. "Fired within a foot of the poor fellow's heart," he whispered. "The murderer wasn't taking any chances, whoever he was." "Have the police been sent for?" The head-porter stepped forward.

The steps of the head-porter are heard on the stairs, and a light gleams at the door. "Hush!" from the fifth-form boys who stand there, and then in strides the Doctor, cap on head, book in one hand, and gathering up his gown in the other. He walks up the middle, and takes his post by Warner, who begins calling over the names.

He found them nearer than he expected, for at the 'George and Blue Boar, Holborn, there stood faithful Tom Benyon, the head-porter, ready to carry any amount of Helpston luggage, and, if necessary, the owner himself. The latter was unnecessary, though the poor traveller felt rather giddy when dragging himself along the crowded streets, grasping his Tom by the arm. Mr.

I could see they were looking out for some rich tourist with his trunks, as a more lucrative fare; so I sent for the head-porter, who had charge of the platform. When the porter arrived we chose a cab, and I saw my charge driven off to her hospital, sitting on the front seat, with her handkerchief to her eyes.

Hood, too just rising into fame, thanks to 'Elia' and other friends thought he had no time to spare, and left him to Tom Benyon, the much-respected head-porter of the firm of Taylor and Hessey. When Thomas Hood came to know John Clare a little better, he paid more attention to his charge; but this did not happen till at the end of two or three weeks.

Thomas Hood thereupon got instructions to tell Clare that early hours would be more acceptable to his host; which instructions were communicated by commission, in due business course, through the faithful Tom, the head-porter. Clare felt offended, and informed Mrs. Emmerson of what had happened; making a full confession of his sorrows, even those concerning the too beautiful Mademoiselle Dalia.

"Where we're going," the young man interposed, "the head-porter told me it was always cloudier than anywhere else." "I don't think that can be so," Thorpe reasoned, languidly, from his corner. "It's a great winter resort, I'm told, and it rather stands to reason, doesn't it? that people wouldn't flock there if it was so bad as all that."

'Shall we go? Frank said, putting a veil of cigarette smoke between us. I trembled. I was once more the young and timid girl. I could not speak. I nodded. In the hall was Vicary, talking to the head-porter. He saw us and started. 'What! Vicary! I murmured, suddenly cooled. 'I want to speak to you, said Vicary. 'Where can we go? 'This way, Frank replied.