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But with the dark the club's swing-doors opened for his passage into the lighted streets, and till next morning the world knew him no more. It was then that he took revenge for all the hours he wore a mask.

Kate hesitated to accept the invitation, but Beaumont insisted, and as it was a question of drinking to the night's success she consented to accompany them. 'No, not here, said Beaumont, shoving the swing-doors an inch or so apart: 'it's too full. I'll show you the way round by the side entrance. And giggling, the girls slipped into the private apartment.

The tallest of them seemed to be receiving the humorous congratulations of his companions. He shook hands all around and remarked half-apologetically: "I ain't a drinkin' man, reg'lar . . . but there are times . . ." The five men drifted easily toward the swing-doors. Presently they emerged. Shoop nudged his employer. David Loring and his daughter had just crossed the street.

Then telling him to wait for a note to be taken to Miss Richards, Stephen re-entered the hotel. The boys swirled off in play. Miguel stood alone with the horse. There were but few persons on the streets, since it was early evening and people were at supper. Miguel's wandering eyes at length rested upon the swing-doors of a saloon opposite rested there a long time.

I sat, one afternoon, in the corner of a great, glassy, silvered saloon, a free lunch at my one elbow, at the other a "conscientious nude" from the brush of local talent; when, with the tramp of feet and a sudden buzz of voices, the swing-doors were flung broadly open, and the place carried as by storm.

As the waiters pushed aside the swing-doors of the buffet and staggered into the salon with whisky, absinthe, and coffee, the click of billiard-balls was heard. The windows facing the sea were wide open, for the heat was intense, and the murmur of the waves mingled with the plaintive voices of the violins.

You wish to be in the reading-room just as it will be on the afternoon of June 3, 1997? You wish to find yourself standing in that room, just past the swing-doors, this very minute, yes? and to stay there till closing time? Am I right? Soames nodded. The Devil looked at his watch. 'Ten past two, he said. 'Closing time in summer same then as now: seven o'clock.

Donovan stood back to let her first through the great swing-doors, and then, pulling on his gloves, followed. They both disappeared. Peter sat on, in a tumult. He had been too busy all day to reflect much, but now just what he was about to do began to overwhelm him. If Donovan met him with Julie? Well, they could pretend they had just met, they could even part, and meet again. Could they?

With a benevolent smile and a gesture intended to signify all would come right in the future, he slid through the swing-doors, and began to move down the street at a somewhat swifter pace than was his habit. Once round the corner he slackened his speed. 'This can't go on, he said to himself. 'This life of commerce is too great a strain. One is practically a hunted hare.

And as she disappeared into the hotel she turned and waved her tiny black-gloved hand back at the handsome Bindo. "Done, my dear chap!" chuckled Blythe in a low voice to his companion as the neat figure disappeared behind the glass swing-doors. "The rest is easy if we keep up pluck." "It's a big thing, of course; but I'm sanguine enough," declared my employer. "That little girl is a perfect brick.